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over 90 days since game updated I don't think its ever being finished even though the game was amazin


working on it!


This is already a finished game by any standard for web-games.  Very polished; I totally forgot that it even has updated modes promised.

I'll play the heck out of them if you add them, but unlike some games I don't feel like this is inherently lacking something without them.


I agree entirely I just wish there were more games like this one because I love the style of them


Push off mate!

3 months is a REALLY SHORT TIME to upgrade a piece of work like this.  And probably Stop signal has a whole other life and work and stuff going on.

Making stuff is difficult!
Making stuff takes time!

Why's everyone getting all antsy these last few days? Good things take time.


I wasn't getting antsy or anything it was just that its been awhile since there was any news or updates I was merely making an observation so before you gather your torches and pitchforks know that I enjoy this game and would love to see it grow


Don't worry guys, hahahah, i still work on the game! Progress has slowed down because of burnout and other projects (and work, damn) but it's coming along!

I still plan on bringing this to steam as a complete game!

For now, i've pushed a few changes that were already made, some description and balance changes! Really small stuff so i don't want to make a changelog