The word guessing game creates an error
Edit: Relths Black Bikini - topless image option is available immediately which I assume isn't meant to happen
Edit 2: Relths progression seems to have been bugged because advanced options are appear much sooner then they should
Edit 3: Relths images are swapped in the farm setting (Specifically the overalls options)
Edit 4: Diologue with Darla softlocks the player because there is no exit option, forcing them to reset.
Edit 5: The black screen thing still happens after you get all of the affection images I think you need to allow them to repeat or find a way for the loop to reset when a new game is started. As previously stated I needed to reset due to a softlock and that resulted in me getting end game image including Darlas way early. This should also deal with the need to reset everyone's saves for upcoming updates. I think for now I will wait for bug fixes before continuing the game. Its still going the right direction but some fixes are needed for now