I know it's not really my place to say as I've never really done much but read visual novels. If you guys are ever in need of any help i'm sure I myself or possibly some other viewers would be willing to give ideas or possibly assist in the making of the games plot. I personally have written a couple romance shortstories and such but never really had the guts to post anything of it until recently as i started a patreon I made. If you at least hear this out this is a link to my patreon ( https://www.patreon.com/chainsofprophecy )which i have a sample of one of my projects, although not done its mostly just a sum of ideas i been having and i'm sure to add more at a later date. Honestly I hope no one takes this as an advertisement cause it's not meant to be I just find this visual novel wonderful compared to many I have read and i'd like to see it keep going. I'm happy to help durring any free time I have and if you need anything your welcome to leave some sort of post on one of my patreon posts or message me on it. I'm not a very good writer but I can usually quickly pick up someones writing style. And a quick sorry if anyone finds this post a bit offencive I mean no harm by it.