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A member registered Jun 20, 2024 · View creator page →

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hi everyone I'm Daniel and I'm working on this game and ill really appreciate if you can help me with some feedback. for some context the game is only 4 days old and I'm a beginner

and about th 2d+3d thing you just have to try it and find out 

game looks cool

fun game 

game looks cool

thanks for the feedbasck reely appreciate it✌️

bty do u know what anas means in hebrew

will rate evryone's games in the wekend 

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thnaks evreyone for the feedback  and i wrokd on the game a bit more  and made sure thats all of the stairs who should be climbable are in fact  climbable and its clear when stairs are not 

as a 16 years old game dev who "specializes" in programing its nice to hear thats u like my visuals 

and i will try all of your games soon 

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the game is fun and i reely liked the voice acting and the overall game feel

unfortunately no


thanks for the feedback and i did have a suspension level3 is a bit to hard but il see if i can change this 

faild to play your game so im gona rate it base of other ratings/opinions rated your game here is mine ✌️

we all need more ratings so if you rate my game i will rate (and play😁) yours

here my game

how can a solo dev like me is suppose to compete with a team of 9😭😭😭

my game was also removed, can anyone explain what happend and its my first game i workd on more then a month so i would really like to know if i wasnt good enough  or threre is somthing else going on and if so can i get some feedback


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i am 100%  sure i sbmited my game secsesfuly and now its not in the jam any more if u did kick me can i know y

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 hi everyone im daniel and this is my new game onlystairs. im 15 days in development and 16 years old and i need some feedback so if want to help me, check it out and give my some feedback, tell me what u liked in the game and what not. and if the game is too hard or too easy.

this weekend il have some time to play  all of the games of the nice devs  who gave me feedback and il give them feedback  

and if ur not a dev il stillll realy love some feedback

the link: OnlyStairs

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fun game and theme but its a bit hard to know how  i faild

and its very fun to play with my  ADHD  

where do u even choose the age catagory

gess so

hi my game is a open world exploretion game  about unloking cool  abilitys and then upgradeing them so they can combo together 

! its 3d and my art is prety trash so i would love some halp 

big update coming soon

i had the same question 

i did

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we all need more rateing so if you rate my game il rate yours 

( to be more clear let me know u did )

my game is here

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its an open world game about discovering and combing abilitys to use them to discover even more abilitys!

 (im a beginer so pilsss dont kill my self self esteem (;

what the jam has to do with alt+f4?

good game although gets a bit repetitive

it was like that in the bininging but if u are biger or faster u are more vulnerable

i saw the vid and the game looks very cool i wish i could make something like this hope u try mine  

your game is very nice plse rate mine 

its the first one on my page (clouds vs trees )

cool il update you on my next project

thnks i only started lerning game dev a few months ago so i dont relly know how to use pre made asstes and visuals are'nt my strong side 

the game looks and feels very good the mini games are very nice 



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ok thnks for the feedback and just for more context which abilitys u unlockd?