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A member registered Jul 12, 2022

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this was fun, im not one to typically play these times of security camera type games, i have to admit i really enjoyed this, i saw there were other nights and im curious to see what the other nights hold. keep up the great work! 

for being your first completed game it was good, it scared me, keep up the work bro, made a small playthrough

great game, the game graphically looks really good, the demonic insects scared me a bit. it was a good short horror game. 

fun little demo i enjoyed it!

this was a really short horror games! keep up the great work!

this was a fun short little horror game, atmosphere was spooky, the changing environment it always fun to playthrough. i though i was screwed in the maze portion hah. keep up the great work! here my playthrough if anyone wants to check it out!  


short,sweet, and terrifying, the atmosphere made me feel uncomfortable just walking down the halls, just made me feel uneasy like at any moments something might happen and the delivery to the jumpscare was a amazing. keep up the great work! heres my small playthrough if anyone wants to check it out

great atmosphere, scary jumps scares, this was really fun to play. tho im curious on the other endings. 

a little bit confusing left me wondering what the heck was going to, really funn, oi got me a couple of times scared me hah. the weird thing in the bathroom really got me . this look really good. keep up the great work! 

fun short horror game with great atmosphere, creepy looking characters. was there 2 endings by any chance? i felt at the end there was another one.. maybe im wrong.

this was really fun, interesting story, creepy atmosphere, like the change in play style inbetween the game, i unfortunately got the bad ending, but nonetheless it was really fun keep up the great work!

i forgot to mention the game starts at 11;23

fun little horror game, there we a couple of good jump scares, keep up the great work

i know im the 100 person to say this but ill say it anyways, this is such a cool concept for a game, not knowing you environment, and having to scan through it all just made the experience alot more scarier, also i had a lot of fun tryning to scan everything. great game, keep up the work! 


creepy environment, imo i felt like there should have been more story added to explain the transitions we experienced. thats just just me, the jumpscares really got me. keep up the great work! 

game starts at 7:40


fun short horror game, wish it went on little longer it was fun tho :D 

fun short horror game wish it was a little longer and we got to a little more interaction with the the entity we encountered. otherwise  keep up the great work!  

this was really good, wish it went out a little longer, but for what it was in length the game was scary. keep up the great work familia. video starts @ 1:50