Playing as a monster multiplayer would break the game IMO.. Major problem would be that as you don't have any way of skipping O2. This would make impostors game consist of only waiting at either O2 switches.
A member registered Sep 20, 2016
Recent community posts
So far I have enjoyed first 2 levels but one thing is like a sore thumb for me and that is Task Activation.
As far as i have been able to observe task activation most probably uses hitbox to register if the task is within "reach" however the hitbox doesn't stretch close to the player. I would recommend adding a range limited raycast as a adition to shuffling the hitbox a little to make it much more predictable.
Second thing that i considered a little not happy was the O2 placement. Those boxes were a little higher than I would asume they should be (considering player height).
Last but not least fun addition could be adding a "map influence" by spawning aditional body props on location the player has died before...