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the player_score already looks identical to the one you just sent. the error message only says "GameMaker: Studio AssetCompiler encountered a problem. Index was outside of bounds of the array." Then, at the bottom of the Output log it says:
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/mono exited with non-zero status (82)
elapsed time 00:01:25.4687960s for command "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/mono" /Users/Shared/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes/runtime- -options="/var/folders/w4/215d0gjj3b7f5sql711p01jr0000gn/GameMakerStudio2/GMS2TEMP/build.bff" -- Mac Run started at 11/03/2018 19:35:20
FAILED: Run Program Complete
p.s. let me know if you'd rather communicate via e-mail or whatever's easier
I'm using runtime I tried changing "var i = 0" but I think I'm doing it wrong because I'm getting an "unexpected syntax error"
this is how it looked before I changed it:
// create another array that has the correct entries
var len = array_length_1d(global.__objectDepths);
global.__objectID2Depth = [];
for( var i=0; i<len; ++i ) {
var objID = asset_get_index( global.__objectNames[i] );
if (objID >= 0) {
global.__objectID2Depth[ objID ] = global.__objectDepths[i];
} // end if
} // end for
and this is after trying to do what you suggested:
// create another array that has the correct entries
var len = array_length_1d(global.__objectDepths);
global.__objectID2Depth = [];
for var i( i=0; i<len; ++i ) {
var objID = asset_get_index( global.__objectNames[i] );
if (objID >= 0) {
global.__objectID2Depth[ objID ] = global.__objectDepths[i];
} // end if
} // end for
sorry for being a pain, new to GMS2 really appreciate you trying to help.