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A member registered Jan 13, 2023

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yep it doesn I found out that the best way is simple press "solution" it´ll put in the same one u writting here and then press on continue

why u all started with Gdevelop?? Is it any easier or sum???

Creo que si pudiera hacerlo no necesitaría hacer el curso xD

(1 edit)

I always wanted to learn coding to make games as I always been a gamer since my dad brought home a lil box named N64 (I went backwards with consolo cuz played the nes and supernes afterwards) been in love ever since.

Have tried making games many times with little succes since my 10-12 years old (im 26 now), but this month since I discovered Godot and its comunity its been a pleasure to learn from, and from all the vids and apps I've used this been one of the better ones.

Today I'm paying for this app, after I´m actually almost done with it, but I pretty much think these people deserve it. Thanks.

To everyone trying to learn I fully recomend this app and this people´s youtube channel, if u  cant pay(donate) at least spread the word to others, I bet the studio will appreciate it.