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A member registered Jun 08, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hey, lead developer of Everest here.

Can you please try following the Everest installation instructions? You shouldn't need to compile from source, as we've got devbuilds.

Also, this isn't the right place for modding questions / issues. Please join the Discord server and ping me (@0x0ade#1584), mentioning that you're minecraftgamerpc66 on 

This seems to be a larger issue. The above "fix" isn't anywhere near correct. The following footage was recorded on 2936 without any custom "fixes".

(1 edit)

Furthermore, walking "back out" drops the player in the void. Saving in said void and then reloading places the player back in the correct level*.

(*: Right now, it causes the infinite load bug, but with the previously outlined "fix", it placed me back in the level.)

Saving, restarting the game and loading a savegame inside a mandala room causes the scene it came from (here: World_011) to not load properly.

This happens both with and without any previously outlined custom savegame code fixes.

(4 edits)

Issue can be "fixed" by applying following changes to LevelLoader._loadLevelAndNeighborLevelsThenMovePlayerIn:

    public IEnumerator fixed_loadLevelAndNeighborLevelsThenMovePlayerIn(string levelName) {
        LevelSystems levelSystems;
        // PC == 0
        yield return LoadLevelAsyncInBackground("FastTravelHoldScene_Optimized");
        // PC == 1
        yield return LoadLevelAsyncInBackground(levelName);
        // PC == 2
        levelSystems = GetLevelSystems(levelName);
        // ADDED: Check if level is elder level. If it isn't, load elder level immediately!
        if (!levelSystems.isElderLevel && !levelSystems.isMandalaLevel && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(levelSystems.NameOfElderLevel)) {
            yield return LoadLevelAsyncInBackground(levelSystems.NameOfElderLevel);
            levelSystems = GetLevelSystems(levelSystems.NameOfElderLevel);
        // Continue on.
        yield return LoadSiblingLevels(levelSystems);

Video demonstrating the fix:

I'm first reloading my broken save, then saving and loading again.

I don't know if what I'm doing is 100% correct, but this fix just pretends to be the first situation in my first video (saved and loaded before entering and leaving mandala rooms).

Video showing the bug on the latest version:

Update: 0.01.2936 changed the behavior from "despawns mini part" to "causes loading to never end" :/

Falling into a mandala room either lets the player pass the mandala room portal, or places the player outside of the allowed bounds. Walking back inside is simple enough, although one can probably get lost in the void in between.

Ah indeed. Your bug report made it seem like the portal was the cause, sorry :)

This theoretically applies to any room transition / portal, not just mandala rooms.

Before doing the steps in the title:

After reloading:

Even if I would've tried to save the cube, it just would've despawned, leaving any pads active... until any other block touches the pad. Then it's gone forever.

This obviously breaks hub puzzles and will probably be fixed with your level loading refactor. Wishing you the best about that one, that task seemed massive while watching your stream!

After closing the game and coming back to it later, I noticed that I could "regrow" World_053B_WaterTechingPuzzle_Optimized. Unfortunately, regrowing it was a bad idea as it placed me in the void (or rather removed the world around me).

This video pretty much shows what I mean:

(1 edit)

Possible solution: In MobiusPost.OnRenderImage, you're getting the first directional light (sun?). Unfortunately it burns down for LevelLevelSystems without lights.


if (LevelLoader.CurrentLevelLevelSytems != null) {


if (LevelLoader.CurrentLevelLevelSytems != null && LevelLoader.CurrentLevelLevelSytems.directionalLights.Length != 0) {

fixed the bug for me and made hallways and mandala rooms render again.

(2 edits)

Unfortunately the 0.01.2923 beta build isn't playable for me.

Once I try to enter a hallway / mandala room through the portal, the screen appears "frozen" / trailing whatever was on the screen last; the main camera seems to fail rendering.

The debug log is filled with this:

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
  at MobiusPost.OnRenderImage (UnityEngine.RenderTexture src, UnityEngine.RenderTexture dst)

It also happens when reloading the save slot, making the game quasi unplayable.

I remember the exact same thing happening with a similar door (connected to red "wire"), but wasn't able to find the room again. It could be this room from all I can tell.