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A member registered Dec 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

sure, i'll contact you there! my discord is pauletto27

we Are two programmers looking for a composer and an artist for a chill jam! 

sorry we already got one :(

any pixel artist who is brave enough to help us?

thank you very much! I love your game to

it's a shame this game doesn't get the love it deserves! this is the funniest game i have played and the one i played for the longest! the idea is very original and i haven't seen other games with the same gameplay! well done, amazing job, even if the art is not top tier it works amazingly well. The game however has some bugs, that can be fixed to make it perfect:
 -at night, if you had enought cookies to buy a structure duting the day, you can buy it, spend cookies, but even after you don't have enought cookies to buy it, you still can as much as you want until day comes
-somethimes the goblins get stuck
and i think it should end as soon as you reach the quota, because after it can get boring if you complete it early. 
even with these bugs i still enjoied the game a lot, and hope you guys get way more rewiews like you deserve.

the assets are surprisingy well done for a game made in less than a week! the idea id very originall as well

thank you for the apreciation <3

That bug still hunts my dreams

(1 edit)

yes, it was one of our inspirations! Fun fact: for the first Hours we thought about doing an ace attorney stile game instead, but in the end this idea won! 

very simple, yet, very effective! hard to understand how to start, but one you get it it becomes really fun!

very original, really like it as a whole, only critic is the absence of a tutorial

best game i've played so fare, amazing!

i really liked the cadillac & dinosaurs style gameplay

really simple but challenging at the same time! one of my favourites so far

(1 edit)

i was not expectinga leaderboard, great addition! onely critique is the other elves are too fast, even when slowed they are faster than than you.

still one of the best i played so far


asked to apport modifications on my device....

cool game! the sfx of the broken roof was very  satisfying

sorry :( already found a team

or if you don't have a team and looking for someone to create a team with i am ready for the challenge!

wow! amazing game, i had a lot of fun! i am for sure going to play again

nice game! loved it