Love the game and story so much, I can tell a lot of care went into building this world.
Definitely recommend this GDC talk for tips on building a fun and juicy platforming experience -
Really nice mechanics, art, and audio overall. I think the art's crisp and exactly what you'd expect for this game. The mechanics such as additional enemy layers appearing when they're really close to the player, and enemies destroying the barriers when up close. Awesome job with the game I can tell you learned a lot here working with C# and Unity
Very cool! The programmer in me loves that command prompt with the output haha. I'd fix up the angling with the shooting, it seems like the angle for projectiles isn't calculated correctly, I'd look into inverse tangent, in this example, if you know the angle you can find the 14.6, and -8.62, and apply the velocity in that direction.
Good luck with your submission!
Great 2D Puzzle Platformer. Very creative game idea where you can actually go into objects that are electric and control them. You use them each in unique ways and every object has a purpose, you dont just enter a object because its cool, you enter them because they have a purpose in getting you to the end result.
In the second level I was getting lost and confused to the point where I was like, this is a jam game, it's probably broken, what if I can't get to where I was? But after trial and error, I was able to fix all my mistakes from previous rooms and finally complete the level, it felt great. I felt actually challenged and that I wasn't being held by my hand.
Things that I think could be improved?
- There are a few electronic items that are not controllable and just act as obstacles, perhaps make them controllable and add them to the interaction?
- The lamps I was unsure how they worked until playing around with them for the 3rd time, maybe some kind of indication that a lamp is controlled by a pair of outlets?
- The player controller could've felt a little more smoother and fluid.
- The level background just felt repetitive and not unique for a room. Also you can notice that tiles loaded in and out on a large resolution.
Great game overall, especially for a game jam.
I played the game and got to the end of the second level. Here's my take on it so far.
The bad
The good
In all, the game could definitely use some work, but if presented as a prototype for a bigger game, this would work greatly. I hope to see what each of you as a team develop in the future.