Really? What do you call when the other ties you to the bed against your will and force you to perform sex acts on them? Sounds kinda rapey to me.
Or is it "ok" because it's a man getting raped because "if he didn't like it, he'd be soft"?
Why should free of charge be free of criticism? I cannot see how those two relate. Only through valid criticism can a product improve. Unless you don't want this to improve. In which case, fair enough, but then the free part makes no sense how it comes to the picture? I'm so lost, man, help me understand your... ah... whatever you use instead of a train of thought?
Sort of yes, mostly no. Some of what Felicity says during some of her scenes are kind of dominant, like her footjob scene, but most of the time the main character is the dominant, and Felicity becomes very submissive in most of her scenes. Same goes for the android. And I think we MIGHT see something like that develop in Autumn, but I may just misread she finally accepting her desires.