Thank you! It's true! I'm so glad to have shared my art with you.
23 Dogs in a Trenchcoat
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Hello! I was reading the most recent version of the game, and I noticed that the 0.5 version removed the comment that said a GMless version would be released in future versions.
Is there is still a GMless version in progress? If not, no worries! I understand that it is a lot of work. My group and I just really love GMless games and would be excited to see a version that fit our table. Thanks!
Thank you so much for your response! Don't worry about the late reply, I'm in no hurry. I would like to expand the concept some day, so maybe this game will get those extra pages in the future. I really appreciate that you took the time to think about my game. It means a lot to me that anyone cares!
I just wanted to stop by and tell you how much I love this. The worldbuilding on display is KILLER. This zine totally hooked me with its unique world and revolutionary edge.
I can already tell this is going to inspire a project I’m working on (the first flicker of which can be seen in the game on my itch page, GUN//DOGS).
I know it’s been a while since you worked on this, and I understand if you want to move on entirely, but know that if you ever do want to return to this world, I will eagerly await more SLUDGE DOGS!
This book is absolutely captivating. I wasn’t planning to read it all in one session, but pretty soon I couldn’t put it down. The descriptions of Lilancholy are both beautiful and terrifying, a sort of haunting beauty. The emotions feel so real and true. It’s enough to make you believe, even if only for a moment. And it is real, in the way that fiction so often is real. Thank you for writing this, and for sharing it with us.
I'm so glad you enjoyed this! I hope it inspires you to make something, maybe with a community, maybe on your own! Art really is a fundamental part of humanity. We should tell the stories we want to see in the world rather than waiting for some corporation to give us a sanitized version of them.
Thank you so much for reading! Comments like this mean the world to me.
Thanks for the feedback! I completely agree that a major reason why people don’t make the things they want to is because the idea is too big, I’ve certainly been there. Having smaller, less “important” projects to work on is a crucial part of growing as an artist. I am aware that Goncharov is not the first or only work like this. I wanted to focus on Goncharov because of the smaller scope of this zine, but I said in the description that I wanted to elaborate on that concept, and part of that elaboration will definitely be talking about stuff like SCP Foundation and even an earlier “fandom for a work that doesn’t exist”, Ships of the Northern Fleet. Now that you’ve mentioned it, I definitely want to talk about how collaborative, low-stakes works like these allow people to start making art without the daunting task of building something from scratch, with credit to you of course! Thank you so much for commenting. I hope you got something out of reading my little zine!
hey, I really appreciate you making this! but I can't get it to work. whenever I try to load it, it just says "loading pages" indefinitely. can I get some help? here's a link to it if seeing it helps at all: