Nvm guys!!
Recent community posts
I have been wanting to make a Pixel RPG game for as long as I can remember
I am a minor, so I do not have any money to give (I’m 16 without a job) and I know that is a huge turnoff, but if anyone is willing to try to help I would be forever thankful.
I would not be the boss, it would be like a partnership in a passion project, so input can be given all around, there are specifics I'm wanting, but I am also willing to change/use whatever the coder seems fits best, as they are the one doing the coding
I have the story made and thought out, my friend can do the art, and I'm currently looking for music artists. I just need coding help
I would prefer something within the same age range as me (15–25) (I don’t mind though as long as you are a chill dude and are okay with working with minors)
I am queer and neurodivergent (I have problems with tone, and executive dysfunction, which I know is not good in-game development but I am taking steps to work on these)
I am going for a game style similar to these titles:
Thank you for your time!