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2nd Law Games

A member registered Jun 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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oh wow thank you so much for the kind words 🙏

nicely done! The "one more try" effect kicks in quite fast as well.

wish you all the best for the Kickstarter campaign!

awesome to hear! Super glad about your feedback <3 thanks a lot!

thank you! And thank you for the details and feedback :) 

aahhh ok, then it sounds like everything runs nominal, good! :) 

yeah, the dash attack gives you quite some momentum. Though, you can cancel the momentum by just walking into the opposite side

just diggin into the problem: so you ran into one direction, let go of the keyboard, and the character slided further and didn't almost instantly stopped?
Or did you do a dash-attack ?

Or let me ask it in another way: When you run around, for example to the right side and then switch to run into the opposite site (to the left). Does it feel almost instant or is there a noticeable lag between you pressing the Left key (or A) and the player character going left?

can you give me more informations on what OS and Browser? I assume you used the built-in keyboard on the laptop?

awesome! Let me know what you're thinking

Congrats on your launch! Very great pixel art and animations <3

you certainly did! Thanks again :) was a pleasure to work with you!

I know. You'll be in the credits of the game. To be fair though, the stuff you made was hugely edited by now, so there is not that much left of what you did :D 
But still, I got you on my credits list as pixel artist :) 

thanks for making people aware of it!

thanks so much :)

On down press, the player is accelerated down. And on contact with a fuse, it is getting stomped.

Do you mean the down dash? To Stomp the fuses on the ground?

thank you for the hint! Fixed it :) 

ooopsie. Ye ol' switcheroo 🙈

of course! There you go :) 

lovely made! Getting some serious Mario Land 2 vibes!

lovely made! And the soundtrack(s) are sooo good!

lovely prototype! Stunning pixel art and the idea of the game is brilliant!
For me personally it could've had a bit less text overall. And the very first rythm battle was quite hard. I would think of maybe some short introduction of the buttons for the lines, and some sort of very easy and slow song to get started and get a feel for it (and get me thinking I've actually earned the "you rock" :D because I absolutely sucked xD

Keep up the good work! 

absolute awesomeness overload!

(1 edit)

awesome work! Thanks a bunch!
I noticed there is a lag between the initial jump and the extra jump. How could I reduce this lag to 0?

awesome work!

as I wrote before. Stunning work. Like really triple A things going on here

thank you so much :)


Worked! Thanks!