Thank you so much.
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Recent community posts
Yes, right now there isn’t much content. Additionally, the quest system in version 0.4.0 doesn’t clearly show whether the content for a particular character has been fully explored. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
However, we’ve addressed this issue in version 0.5.0, which will be released as a free update soon.
scales22 We are deeply grateful for your attention to this detail. We sincerely apologize for our oversight regarding the use of "Uncle" and "Grandfather." Rest assured, we will rectify this in the upcoming version 0.6.0 of MY PLACE IS CURSED. Thank you once again for bringing it to our attention.
thatsaw3some We will provide updates on the new update of MY PLACE IS CURSED on Patreon every week, including full details of the game and spoiler content.
PIKASO5644 En el futuro, implementaremos un sistema multilingüe. Gracias por tu interés en nuestro juego.
Hi Hellobellos, In this version. We don't have any cheat system. But in the future, we will add the cheat system. But it is only available on Patreon.
Hi, Sesquipedalian Thank you for being interested in our game. But sorry, we don't have futa.