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Stephen Danton

A member registered Feb 22, 2014 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Depends on the gamefeel you're going for I guess. I feel actions with consequences makes for a more engaging experience... e.g. pressing attack should commit to that attack ala Dark Souls. I think allowing a cancel (to say block) during "wind up" or "recovery" is a good middle ground.

Are you asking for attack to be canceled by block?

Hey Guys -- been tracking your progress on twitter for a while, super exciting to be able to give the game a go.

Below is a link to a video showing my playthrough, I shared my thots as I went along -- hopefully helpful. 

Love where the game is headed and really enjoyed my time with it.  I played for about 20 mins and defeated the boss. I played on a 4 year old Mac Pro tower, running Windows ofc, and used an Xbox One controller for Windows.

If you have any follow up questions let me know, always up for a game design chat. All the best with the game!

First game ever!? Awesome work!

Great production values

Great atmosphere and visuals

Killer retro color scheme

Cool concept

Nice work on the pixel art!

Cool to see the ghosted version of Mario in the BG

Made me laugh the entire time, well done!

Art looks great

Great work on the pixel art

Tribute to the tribute, nice!

Nice job on the retro visuals!

Love the soundfx and music! Great subtle use of 3D too!

Best 3d entry I've played so far!

Tried to play, doesn't seem to load :|

Love the art style!

Great concept on a touch device!

Neat idea!

Nice use of Unity physics... the "U" shape adds something cool to the flappy model!

Love the changing background color!

Is there a score?

Love your sound fx!

Can't seem to get the game to load :|. It just shows me the text and then a white page... :|.