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A member registered Feb 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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interesting you caught Nicole's Asian heritage , most people don't realize until i show them a pic of her without the makeup.

Working on that ;) Balancing 2 stories in 1 has been interesting when people don't want each update taking 6 months ;) lol, I don't want that either.. Actually just noticed the other day one my favorite games hasn't been updated in 9 months, to busy working on this to even notice.

All updates are free, at least for now, I do not charge for updates, if itch is having an issue Ill look into it.

I do agree with this, more content is coming for day 6 and working on finishing the other day 6 content while working on day 7.

Wonder if itch is having issues. There is still keys available and this is what it says in the back "Keys will be distributed to a purchaser when they first click the request key button on their purchase page."

Wonder if itch is having issues. There is still keys available and this is what it says in the back "Keys will be distributed to a purchaser when they first click the request key button on their purchase page."

Stripe hates adult content, it is on steam though.


You can copy them though, Old path C:\Users\*Username*\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\KS-1644803265\

New path C:\Users\*Username*\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Thirty-Days_CH1\


Ill check on this..

i need to adjust the tag for this, nexus is corrently on hiatus while i focus more on thirty days.  Nexus will continue at some point but the new stuff being worked on for it is a pretty massive undertaking.

yes, its on android, i uploaded it here the other day, did it not take?

I have actually been looking at renpys built in systems for translations to help with this, basicly use a english to english translation.

Female currently ends on roof top, male route at ends at start of day 6.

you would honestly be surprised. Most code editors don't have decent spell checkers in them. and ones that do can't handle these script files. Day 4 being the largest by far, even Visual Studio, which has a spell checker, freezes when trying to spell check those files. I've tried using Grammerly, which won't work natively inside Atom or Visual Studio, but will work in notepad, but becomes unstable at anything over 1000 lines of code.

I have a feeling that its due to so many things inside the code being "misspelled" because its code, and not english.

I have been slowly taking chunks of script out, less then 1000 lines at a time, spell checking them, and then putting them back in, its taking some time, but should be getting better.

I could just slow down when I type and fix 90% of it ;)

(1 edit)

know anyone willing to proof read 100,000 of lines of code?

its uploading here now. This was a 2 part update, and just waited for the second part before uploading here.

I need to remove that tag, originally it was, it was voted to be removed though.

yeah.. sorry. some company came in and started running fiber all up and down my neighborhood, kept nocking out my internet. update is up.

Thanks!  Day 5 will be showing up asap, Subscribers have been enjoying the beta of it so hopefully everyone likes it!

Go to your purchases on itch and request key please.

:) thanks, its going pretty good so far, If you get a chance if you could leave a review on steam it will definitely help, I don't get a rating until I have over 10 reviews and having a rating definitely helps. but made enough in the past day and a half to purchase 4 4090's so not doing to bad, to bad I can't touch the money till September, lol

did it zip it again? it's done that before.

love the pf pic, lol.  Day 5 coming by end of first week of august, its running through beta over the next couple of weeks with subscribers.



(2 edits)

I may update itch to the same version in a day or so. the reason I haven't push this update to itch is I was waiting for day 5, and I wanted to keep saves working (even though its worth it on the male route to go back and see the ava scene.) and what hit steam has a different savee structure so old saves wont work (unless you copy them)

Thanks! Wasn't sure where it was.

No, somewhere on itch you can look up your purchases, from their you can request a steam key.

You will still receive a steam key for your purchase here, but steam obviously wont let me give out thousands of beta keys, so beta keys are reserved for subscribers.

Yeah, unfortunately to render at any decent speed requires some pretty crazy hardware.  And the reason I am raffling the 4090 is I'll be replacing all cards with liquid cooled cards, and I'd rather buy it with the block then void the warranty considering how vital the cards are for me to continue this, kind of need those warranties.

and worse case scenario, the day I release to steam, I'll do a dump of all purchases made here before that day, and just email everyone the keys, not the preferred option, but its an option.

Correct, Day 10 through 20 will be a seperate purchase, and then days 20 through 30 will be another. this is a looong game ;)

Their was a code change awhile back, that may have caused in "incompatibility" issue, but from what I know, it wasn't with the app, it was just that the game couldn't update itself.  it required removal of old install, and full re-install.

I haven't changed anything in how itch handles it. and itch hasn't been updated with the new code to make it work for steam. Ill download the itch app tomorrow to see if i can figure out whats going on.

The game will still continue to be updated here. The only thing changing on itch is on the release of day 6, and day 5 is posted for free, that will be the last free update. Steam would remove the game if I kept posting the previous updates for free.

I will still update here, you paid for it, you will continue to get updates.  The only thing changing on itch, is day 5 will be the last day released for free(when day 6 is released).  Steam would remove my game if I kept posting it for free.

They will be distributed here on itch on release, itch has pretty nice tools for that.   

This game will have a few year development cycle. I am finishing up day 5(of 30) right now.

Check back on sunday, I change payments to itch payments on sundays so CC's can be accepted.

One purchase here gets you days 0 through 10 (chapter 1 and 2).  I am trying to provide steam keys to everyone but steam doesnt like to drop a bunch of keys befor e/on release.  So it will probably have to happen in stages until i get everyone covered.