Interesting story and great creation.
Recent community posts
I'm not understanding why variables are only tied to "Question". "Multiple Choice" is also a question, but there's no variable option is provided. I would take input to identify a single variable name, but then place the value input underneath each option. However, I'm not seeing any advanced way to make any further decisions with the selection options, other then branching that done with connections. This could be a good tool for younger, or new, authors that want to get a feel for the fundamentals.
Thanks! Liking your tutorial a lot. I did run into a problem when trying to use the script option to change the speed of the character. It kept shrinking the full screen and popping open the browser developer tools. I used the built-in options to increase the speed and decrease it back to normal and it was happy. I grabbed the copy of the tutorial from the link above to make sure I had the most recent.
BTW... Ever see a program called Crocotile3D on Steam? Its basically a tile based modeller that seems like it would fit in nicely with RPM as an object builder.
I've not looked at the ZIP yet, but I watched the YT vid created by AmalgamAsh and he advertised the tutorial that comes with Goblin Quest. Some of the tools and settings are intuitive, but some are a mystery,so I'm looking forward to walking through your tutorial and start building some muscle memory.
I started to wean myself off Win10 with a Linux laptop and I hate the grief that packaged versions like flatpak cause! They often seem to run in a virtual environment and can't see what you need them to see or do what they need to do outside their own fricking bubble. I don't want to spend my time trying to find the work-arounds for crap like that, when they should just run and be the tools they were meant to be.
Thanks! I'm an old fart of a programmer and want to do something fun with those skills. I'm currently surveying everything to get a feel for what required when, where, why, and how : ) I also have to actually just sit down and get proficient with UDB and Slade. I've not been active over here at, but I hope to be as I get some momentum in this gzdoom arena.