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A member registered Jun 09, 2016

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Love it, only wish it was finished. One rather distracting bug I've noticed in my usage is that when rapidly typing, the ship will occasionally jitter as opposed to shooting out any kind of effect. It's insubstantial, and one might think that it wouldn't be noticeable with a screen full of different effects, but for me at least it is relatively distracting- I would love if this small problem could be patched out when the next goal gets reached! Otherwise my favorite desktop companion, I particularly love that a lot of the effects are interact-able.

This game changed my life. The depth of Tecumseh's wisdom, the strength of his arm, the speed of his wit- he is the perfect protagonist. I truly felt his anguish upon learning his sister had been taken captive, and especially the betrayal in learning his own culture had taken part in the villainy. Never before have I felt so connected and immersed in a universe, as the vastness of the Wolf Tribe's lore seemed to rival even modern nations in the real world- or is Wounded Summer Baby Edition the real world? I can barely tell anymore. 10/10, this game taught me archery

This would make a fantastic full game I'd happily pay for! Hope you're still working on it, great job!

This is insane. Super cool

Super fun

(1 edit)

Really really dig everything about this. Fun, short, atmospheric and an excellent as well as unique story/concept. Fantastic job, the story is gonna stick with me for a long time.