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A member registered Jul 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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Factions do not spawn exactly at their specified distances because of the inherent random-ness of the game. The provided numbers are a guideline and not a hard rule.

These 3x3 weapons can be unlocked after you research them in the appropriate tech tree.

Heat sinks and coolers reduce the time delay between using energy and regenerating energy. Reactors, engines, and some other modules increase this delay.

The archon has the unused nuclear missile equipped as a placeholder. The antimatter cannon might be implemented in a distant future.

Sheragi do not have bases as they are extinct. You can encounter their Emerald Sword randomly and capture it by defeating it.

Overclocked Hull Repair for the Heliarchs provide health regeneration.

Archons can be encountered at 1000 LY. They are a "gatekeeper" ship to temporarily prevent level 200 ships. They cannot be acquired.

I have updated the mod and replaced a missing fleet in the quest file. Hopefully this fixes things. To see the change, re-download the 0.13.2 mod file.

What is the ship that causes the bug? What happens when you encounter the ship? Is it a ship from a quest ("You encounter a strange ship bearing no faction markings.")?

your balls itch