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A member registered Jul 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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need more of them in my life

this looks awesome!! i will definitely play this at some point but the laptop i use for visual novels is on linux because i wanted to try it out and don't have a usb stick to get it off-

ANYWAY YES this is likely gonna be so cool cannot wait

i will likely update my comment when i've played it

And so I return, with a complete vendetta against chronology, jumping backwards in time to this game. And once again, I'm thrilled to say I quite enjoyed it. Obviously, it's a little rougher around the edges, but it's still got the same charm.

Visuals and characters are very good.

Story is compelling, if ended somewhat abruptly.

And, once again, you had created a nice little VN to play during an afternoon. Which I did.

Thanks for putting out such heartfelt and genuine games for the community, the effort shows in droves. Keep it up, and I excitedly await whatever you plan for the coming 12 months and beyond. Have a nice day, and I'll be back when I finish the others.

Well, well, well. I don't know how you do it, but you continue to impress me. One thing I like about your games is each one has a different menu layout. Part of me found this one slightly more difficult to understand than previous titles but nevermind that. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed this game, with another one of my favorite features in your games to be the whole time skipping element, where you never quite stop at the moment they get together, like in other visual novels, but instead choose to show them once they've settled down somewhat. Story, of course, is as great as always, and might even call it the one I liked the most, but it's a heated battle between this and Love Goes Towards Love. 

Anyway, I suppose I don't have much choice but to repeat myself: Excellent job, love your games and can't wait to see what you put out this year.

oh, i think this was the version i downloaded, seeing as i hadn't seen the original. good thing it didn't have a virus or anything

(1 edit)

Yep. Third one I played and it's just as good as the others, if not better.

I can't praise your team highly enough for coming up with these games, characters and stories. As much as I'm glad that this has more than 2 characters who aren't a silhouette, it still captures that charm, with a small story involving a few people, which doesn't really have any consequences to anybody else in the game's universe, but just feels nice to be a part of, even if it is entirely fictional.

Another thing I liked was the sudden perspective shift around the end of the game. I haven't played your latest title, in fact, it's sitting in my downloads for after I finish writing this comment, but I do hope it's something you do more often. I'll also review MDITBAMNAM once I'm done with it, but I can't get enough of your work. Looking forward to see what you put out in 2022. Oh, and while I'm still writing this, it's nice to see creators actually taking time to reply to positive comments on here, even if it's a simple "Thank you", so keep up with that, it's appreciated.

Yep, officially obsessed. This is, unsurprisingly, my second game from you. Still debating which I liked better, but almost everything I said about ICBTMPGASIALJBM (what an acronym) applies here as well. The visuals, characters, story... gah. I look forward to seeing your future work, keep it up.

Can confirm. I did.

Short and sweet. Just like this comment. 5 stars.

Hey! It's my first time playing one of your visual novels, I'm on somewhat of a binge for them recently. I have to say, I really enjoyed this. The characters are compelling, even if there's really only two of them who matter to the story. Part of me likes to believe this is an advantage, though, as it makes the plot easier to follow without much interruption from other characters. It's very focused, I feel, and it really made my day to just... play it through. Looking forward to trying your other titles in future. Keep up the good work.