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50% ja-ob, 50% -abb-

A member registered Jul 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your comment! And thank you in advance for sticking with us through our... interesting alpha build.

Thanks so much for playing! It was great to hear your feedback. And Inner Workings of Tetris is super cool btw!

Thanks for your comment! We're definitely hoping to put up a more polished build after voting ends, so watch this space for more puzzles!

(1 edit)

Thanks for your comment! Unfortunately it is a crash - there was an implemented third level but the short development period did a number on stability. Not to worry though, after voting closes we'll be updating to a more stable version, with even more puzzles and a more polished build!

Thanks for your comment! No worries, if our crash reports are anything to go by, you pretty much reached the end of the game anyway - but keep an eye on this page, since we'll continue updating once the jam ends!

Thanks for your comment! We'll definitely be continuing with more puzzles - and fewer bugs - in the future, so keep an eye on this page!

Thanks for your comment! Unfortunately this crash seems to be happening consistently for all players - pitfalls of a short development period - but keep an eye on this page, we'll be updating again after the jam ends!