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A member registered Dec 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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OK  that help so much thank you, i though i was going crazy or something 

I feel stupid, what Kind of hints im a suppose paying attention to for the password.

Thank you so much @RossRib this help a lot

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is Parkers  and Marks last CG available on the regular build, i don't have Patreon at the moment.

I have tired multipy different wasy but i can get it.

I have all the other available CG except Parkers and Marks last CG

i though Hal and Archibald would be playable routes, after all they are in the charter role on this page. I be interested in Archibald if we was dateable. 

Thank you for the Link @Xevvy

Thank you for the reply, @absoultesane

Yes i have just recently finish Diego route and got to the latest update for Tai route which is my favorite so far. So many many ups and downs and twist, it grabs your attention.

Question I been advised that Kyrex will not be datable, kind of sad about that. I wish i could melt his frozen/ spirted...ahem heart.

But will Logan, Russell, Jay, and Eric be datable in the future?

I apologies if that has already been mention but i could find the answer.

Thank you for the great work and keep it up. I literally check everyday if there is an update just incase you decided to put a new update early to catch me off guard. lol

the last update made all my saves unusable...but that all good because i have an excuse to start all over again LOL.

true true, i figured they would working on it. i just wanted to make sure i wasn't having an error.

thank you for the reply

is the gallery sill under construction?? when i click on it, the only thing available is the music room and credits.

i love the game i have only played Juuichi route so far and loving it

omg it took me 18 day to finaly reply this and because it got to me that much...and now it im depressed again... i can even look at any of the pictures on the site cause my heart hurts

not at the moment i have the reptile lure yet, is there any difference?

noted, thank you 

for your prisoners, what would be the different for dominat and submisive?  does it break out if too dominate? or does the diaglouge change? 

also if he like you a lot what happens? do you get to bring him whith you on your travels like the dog?

oooo ok... thought maybe i was missing an item that help be traveres it.

thank you for letting me know 

also am i doing someting wrong for the farm stead? i go there throught the underground tunnels with a touch. and when i get there and can do any beside look arond and rats  and there is a lot of corn lol...please let me know if im doing something wrong or if there is a extra step im no aware of.

thank you 

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for the warewolf, after you catch once, does it matter how much domince it has? also if it like you enough can you keep him as pet and go into battle like the dogs does

OMG, soo good...just listent to open musci mack want to cry. OMG im so attached... why are you so good, now i want the next visa noval for this. i already said this twice by OMG... i was not emontional ready for this, if i bust out cry in public im going to laugh... this is how you do things...not that you need to hear it from me but keep up the good work

than you so much 

what time/day can you meet bernard in the forest for the cabin...i forgot

im wondering the samething, i have replyed a couple of time for Lars and i dont know what im doing wrong.

 would like to know this aswell. as much as im looking forward for Richards route. i am hoping you have planns for Azghal, im not sure if that is the correct speeling. (the auto machanic hot guy mhmmm...please ignore the drooling)

bg images unlockable yet, becase i havent unlocked any. just want to make sure im play properly or not 

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i must be doing something wrong, i order to gt the withc hut i have to get the lost acolte quest but i doesnt show up. i even stared a new game and did the opssite of what i orginal did but i still see the quest.

someone take pity on my poor soul lol

when will nasir route be available? so  far only played Kol's route, damn.