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A member registered Nov 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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aw ya

so anything comming soon or shall i change to cecking monthly not daily/weekly

also hope things r goign better for u

playing web in crome windows 10

keep loseing save data after blood king gets unlocked

i cant git it to play past the continue warning

ya becuse it so buggy now most of use use the cheap or reset to re gind as thins nothign else to do to much but still a fun game to play and im glad u r still with us just havent heard from u in a while hope u feel better also happy new years

save files auto reset every few days is that something that should happen for the free play on web play

is anyone still checkign this

so any updates on when .8 is comming out or hot patches for .7

lexi, emmerich, and sual are the broken ones and if you win a battle then try and travle back to saul it glitches and sends you back with another auto win and pack

can u hot patch to make the trainers and travle back work if those r fix i can wait a alot longer for any updates to content

great game love it and cant wait for more