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I dont know if this is ever mentioned or cleared up (I'm only mid(?) chapter 10) but, from Braden's thoughts and doubts regarding sexuality about himself--- I think he's definitely demisexual! Basically a label for those only able to have sexual attractions with someone that they feel deep connection to, no matter the gender. I've had the same doubts and feelings of guilt myself--- and scared also that people would think I was just "pretending," until I stumbled onto that term myself. It was so relieving to see I wasn't alone in that, and not only that, but the fact that it was called something. It felt more valid. I've never seen that portrayed in most media before, so it's nice to see it here, even if it's unintentional. That being said, being unlabled is so nice to be, too. Honestly, I prefer that. Sexuality, gender identity... I believe it's all too fluid anyway to have an exact label. We should just be living our lives the way that it makes us the happiest. <3