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A member registered Apr 19, 2023

Recent community posts

"Stand proud, you're underpaid."

i got an ad.

It's because she definitely can.

give him a low taper fade

ok doom is not that hard. i've played every game in the series, and i have only had to seriously try against marauders and final bosses.  

dont gotta disrespect my goat like that he could easily put you on a t-shirt like one two three and your head is gone do not disrespect my goat am i clear he is the goat for a reason and he pulled a bad bitch for a reason so do not disrespect my goat

rule 1 of the cesspit: do not talk about the update. 

update should be out by the end of the month, i think.

I'm a guy but I think I can pretend to be a girl.

i think this is probably the only game where sexual harassment is an actually topic. 

it took me a bit to figure out he's just good at drawing. it feels like uncanny valley, because it looks like 3D, but it isn't. after playing so many shitty, low-quality 3D VNs, i can safely say this isn't shitty, nor is it 3D, but it is a VN.

thats devious, but if i may... this game is gonna give dr. disrespect's wife flashbacks to when he disrespected their marriage for a trans cam girl and a minor.

these are the only two i found, but it goes to show it's not just an isolated issue.

(1 edit)

some android users are stuck in 3.0. i'm not a techy guy so i'm asking if this is a known glitch and if there is a fix. as i said, i'm not a techy guy, but this theoretically should wipe all save data from a possible previous save, right? (also see screenshot 2) 

i'm testing some things about it rn, so i'm gonna ask a question. did you at one point have an older version of the game installed on your phone? like 3.0 or 4.2? if so, try deleting data and cache in settings for the app. if that didn't work for you, try uninstalling and reinstalling. then if it still doesn't work, go on the discord.

(2 edits)

sounds like a common issue then. hopefully there's a fix, but i wouldn't know. did you have a save in 3.0 or 4.2 at some point? did you just override the previous copy of the game or did you install it freshly? it might be trying to revert back to 3.0 because it detected old save data for that (or possibly just  a save from 4.2), but i'm not a tech guy. my recommendation: try deleting cache and data. if that doesn't work, uninstall and reinstall. and if that doesn't work, try the discord.

yk its not for me, but if you wanna get pegged i'm not gonna discriminate.

bottom text.

Hey Trubluls, I was just wondering how the game was going since your last update. I hope it's going great, and don't feel bad if you need more time, working on games can take some time, especially with such a unique plot.

what about the cock?

insane? sure. small? sure. box? no.

i am actively watching this go down on the sidelines. for me, i don't have discord, so this is where i go for updates. usually someone has already asked the question and i learned last time i asked about it not to ask about it, but for some people this is the only place where they can get their information on the game. i'm not firing any shots, so don't come at me (doesn't mean that you shouldn't reply), this is just my interpretation of the situation regarding the update.

this month i hear.

are you on android by chance? idk a fix but the guy below you said he's on 3.0 and he's on android.

i have heard it's supposed to release this month.

(2 edits)

yo its been a minute, its kinda crazy to think 4.2 was a whole year and one day ago. i show up every couple months to just see how it's going. i'm surprised so many people still comment here.

yk what thats valid

trying my hardest

any update on the update? i'm not on the discord but i'd like to know what's going on.

It’s obvious 4 months isn’t a realistic goal for them to complete every update, I think they should change that goal to 6 months to avoid unrest and pressure. Someone could say something akin to my previous statements but actually mean it if this goes on longer. Of course, we don’t know if the devs are going above and beyond, we can only assume, but they, like every other developer, need to set realistic goals and have more communication with their community.

I’m intentionally over exaggerating the issue. I understand the devs need time but this is also the second time this has happened before. Half joke, half genuine concern.

yo what happened? "every 4 months" my ass. can someone check in on their discord or sm? how about their patreon? i'm hoping it's just a unannounced delay because we have got literally no status since the last update which was on january 6th (today is june 25th).

this is the alsume, welcome. please do schizopost.

hey he wanted it and dont act like he didn't.

anyone got info on the delay? how long i gotta wait?

im american so speak american for me

sad cause i like story over "gameplay" but ill check out lil

yo bro sorry but two questions

1. is lil Lessons in Love?

2. was "goddesses' whim" any good?

idk you just seem like you have the answers

dont look up "sounding". biggest mistake of my life.

man this reminds me when Alex Mahan- sorry i mean Evaxephon- sorry i mean Yandere Dev made a post about wanting to run an "anime girl breeding farm" where he wanted to "grow old and die from a stampede". paraphrasing, but u get the message.

TIL i learned that post was called "GWiz" no fucking way. 

"Hey babe, can we GWiz tonight?"