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A member registered Mar 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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in the long term? Mostly. In individual area stories the temporary changes are more set in stone. 

The primary advancement in the Liebra side quests are optional. You can minimize how many classes you get and pick ones that are more unisex changes (each tier has at least one meant to be like that). And you can avoid other changes. And there’s a change later that restores down under

After chapter one, I believe I didn’t add any changes that weren’t voluntary. But it’s certainly more something to work for than the standard way to play 

I'm a bit too removed from developing (and missing the dev files to go double check stuff) to remember the specifics beyond recommending looking at the walkthrough. Sorry!

I don’t think there is much notably explicit art currently. It’s not typically been a priority as per voting amongst patrons, at least currently 

Happy to hear you enjoyed it despite that! My inspirations led me to try and make games where the TG elements are a pillar of it over the core driving force of everything, so that's a good sign on that working out.

And yeah, I can be a but trigger shy on explicit scenes. They tend to be in the bad end scenes, or at least some of them, bar a few notable scenes. There's also an independent variable that accumulates from choices you make on making more lewd choices that will sort of passively opt you in or out of more explicit versions of some scenes. So while they're not numerous, there's a chance you may have gotten the less explicit versions by accident.

For music, it varies a lot. They come from licensed music packs and music from free creators that make them for games. There's a bunch of sources in the credits document, but if you're interested in any specific ones I can always try to direct you to the right place for where that's distributed.

hopefully you have fun. It is one of my earlier attempts at designing puzzles, so reminder that there’s the walkthrough file too if needed. 

There's quite a few more dramatic TFs like that which are temporary and significant for the story sections they're involved in. And these have been in the game for years. But no, the game isn't aiming for the long term TFs to be based around non-MtF stuff

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thank you for the kind words. 

The walkthrough has a section on where you can get acceptance points. So I’d just be reiterating that since I don’t remember exact max numbers off the top of my head. 

Edit: will also note that the most recent point hasn’t technically been applied yet, if you’re looking at values at end of content  

Very kind of you to say. I’m happy you’ve enjoyed it. 😊 

I can’t promise a ton on the H-scene side (it doesn’t come as intuitively to me), but hopefully I can keep it at a quality you continue to enjoy to this level 

happy to hear you’ve enjoyed it!

Yeah, the prologue superboss was made available in the Hole because it becomes inaccessible. I’ve had thoughts about later accessibility to them all, but nothing concrete or decided.

For the walkthrough, it got revamped in chapter 4 along with big gameplay changes at the time. So I’ve been slowly updating the old stuff as to not burn myself out in it. Chapter 3 main story is what is left, basically. 

For hairstyles, there are some variations via the 4 in the main story and some of the superboss normal+ rewards having alternatives outfits with different ones. But in general the backbone of how things are setup on a technical level makes it unlikely I can do significantly more than I already have (I’ve learned a lot since I started but I’d have to redo large amounts of the game to realistically change it to something more flexible ) 

Outside of those points, I hope you continue to enjoy it and I can live up to expectations

lol, funnily my main exposure to triple triad is FF14. Can’t speak for Icarue via his role in this, though

Yep, yep. Next release will focus on some side quest additions

I’m still not sure what you’re referring to with that.

The code is just the letters you shift them (1 has D to E for example)

I didn’t say it was more important. MC doesn’t see a need for revealing it until later. And they didn’t have much choice in looking for Harper or not.

As for the puzzle, any help I’d give would just be me noting what’s written in the walkthrough, so I’d suggest that (specifically the “old walkthrough” since that section needs to be updated still in the new walkthrough style). Not entirely sure what you’re referring to with your logic and numbers there, but you may be overcomplicating it 

MC is embarrassed by the idea that Penny would see him in that getup as him. So he pretends to not be until he can't anymore (but while still trying to help). And he's a bit trapped by the "story" he's being brought along to properly search for others. So he's focusing on helping Penny with hopes to find a sign of the others as he goes. That's the idea.

You need to talk to Adam, basically (in the room area of the hotel)

no Russian translation. Just a small section involving Russian (framed as a foreign language relative to the characters)

This was included in the recent patch release for 0.14.2

I’m guessing it’s the mouse controls? People can see their mouse position override their keyboard/controller selection for targeting choices. 

Happy you enjoyed it!

For the fast forward there was actually a helpful fan that gave me something that speeds to the entire game properly so it shouldn’t mess up the timing. Straight up skipping is a massive ask, though. I wouldn’t expect it bar the chapter skip

I’m a bit confused on the bug you described though, since I didn’t touch that part from 0.14.1 to 0.14.2. Any chance you could detail it more (here or the discord?)

I’m notorious for wanting that sort of feedback, so never feel like you need to hold back. 

I can express how much I appreciate hearing your thoughts on it. There's a LOT to parse through here.
it's given me some thoughts, particularly about the side quest stuff. 

I will also note that skipping scenes outright is not really on the table from a technical perspective. But I do have the chapter skip option in the game start for those who want to jump to specific chapters for either replaying it or because they lost their save or something.

Other than that, thank you so much for the kind words. If you've ever anymore comments or feedback, I'd be open to hear it then too (discord is usually easier for a proper conversation if that is desired). There's a lot to parse through so I'll probably be thinking on ways I can use your feedback to improve it for a while.

I hope you continue to enjoy it!

there’s an art gallery in the Hole in the Ground (bonus area available at start of ch 3)

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interesting, iirc on the fight, you shouldn’t be able to defeat the enemy back there, so… yeah. Will look into that, thanks. Hopefully it didn’t break your progression at least 

Can’t say I’ve heard of it before. But looking it up it sounds pretty neat, though even just reading an overview for it I’d say the similarities might be more surface deep, as a note

I might try to make a build way down the line. But I lack anyway to even try and test that it would even start let alone the rest. 

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there are instructions for moving your save over to the new version in the ReadMe folder. (Basically copying and replacing the save folder)

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20 chapters (plus paralogues) has been our plan from the start. Hope you continue enjoying it throughout development!

Did you play the game? Its not RNG based, its a card game. There's also saves at every day with a hyper fast forward option.
There's like 5 difficulty levels including a literal "skip" one for those who prefer to just see the story.

I'm happy you enjoyed parts, but the difficulty option is literally there before every fight, so I'm not sure what else we could've done to address the issues you pointed out since multiple of them seem outright inaccurate

You need to actually reply to the other coworker by selecting the option on the desk without progressing.

haha, yeah that specific part might've taken a slight inspiration from it. Happy you enjoyed it!

Ending 1 was either lose the card game 3 times, or take the boring route to not engage at end of day 2

You can set the difficulty on the card game to “skip” if you’re not enjoying that part 

it doesn’t react to anything but if you keep it the same. Really it’s just a way to customize that nickname 

also happy to hear Joiplay has worked for you. It definitely has a risk of not working. 

Aw, that's unfortunate. I hope you can take some more time for yourself soon.
And yeah, I'll do my best to do the next update as best as I can. 

Happy you’ve enjoyed it, and hopefully I can finish up the release in a timely manner. I make monthly updates on my discord with status updates for everything I work on. But it is ultimately something I do in my spare time so I appreciate any patience you have to give. 

As long as it takes to finish. Usually I can get content updates out in ~3-4months of the previous release. Usually. 

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This chapter is more about fallout from recent TFs in the story, TF-wise

start at beach, enter. Then change areas using the cardinal directions via that thing you said (N=North, etc… with m=middle). Unless there’s something else unclear? 

I’ve been working on it consistently since 2020, so even if it comes along slowly I am quite committed to completing it and have found good ways to avoid burnout as part of that. 

Each night can branch off in one of two ways, so the branching is relatively straightforward to track by ending number if you leverage that.