oh cool my account is locked im abandoning it and i feel like i have covid, anyway how s the fnf community doing
Abandoned Account
A member registered Sep 29, 2019 · View creator page →
Creator of
Hangout and talk about what you want to do with the ghost or about him like vidoes and zeph ghost.
You may not belive me, Well I set up a video, to show you.
Recent community posts
Friday Night Funkin' But The Charts Are Also Bad comments · Posted in Friday Night Funkin' But The Charts Are Also Bad comments
With itchie.io's in progress, and since I'm mainly working on that, AS2 is over.
It lasted a while, and was fun while it did, but nothing lasts forever, and it will always go away some time.
May we all let AS2 rest in peace, and say are final goodbyes while we can.
AS2 will officially be disabled on: In 10 minutes
Say goodbye while you still can.
itchie.io's community · Created a new topic The community is looking rather sad, let's shove some posts in there!