yk maybe I should come back, I dunno
Maybe I'll think about it.
hi and bye
I got bored so instead of doing my 5th try at making some random video I made this
Mostly basically indicating that there is in fact a way to give them their own bodies. Also they're not actually icecream, they just wanna look like it because without the cone thing they look absolutely cursed, so uh yeah
I'm gonna get back to wasting time now
Funny how ants literally start an actual war over food
Also the fact if an ant is injured the other ants will care for it back to health but if it's severely damaged to the point it can't be saved they pull an entire sad anime death scene
Exactly like this
"Sister no you have to stay with us!"
"I'm sorry brother, but I must go. Get the sugar cube, win the battle for us. FOR THE ANT COLON fucking dies"
Ants are cool