Have some bugs to report and some suggestions. Some scenes such as when all the royal court is lined up and Queen Roserra makes an appearance, the background(including the royal court) will be off to the top left by a small amount and where the end of the background is,(still on the screen) another copy of the background will fill the space, until being cut off my the edge f my screen. Something kinda similaralso happens when watching Aewen sleep, where, where I think there should be a wall to the right, there isn't and I can see into her bedroom more than I think i should be able to. Also sometimes my quest log wont update whenever i corrupt someone.
Some Features I think would be nice to include(as long as you can) are maybe an autosave, xp bar(as far as i know there isn't one) and i know its minor but maybe a way to tell what each soul orb does without switching them in and out and remembering.