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Alexander Loaiza

A member registered Aug 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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A game where you start with no enemies, but you need to make enemies to win. AND SAVE CHAIR-KIND! 

Welcome to Ember high, this school prides itself on being the worst school in the world, making the world a worse place, and developing their students into the worst possible humans imaginable!

Play as Madian, a boy with the special gift, the power to understand chairs! Though everyone else hates him because he likes chairs and not cheese!

He soon learns chair-kind is endanger, and the best way to save them is by running around the whole school spraying people with a spray bottle to turn them into chairs!

The Great Quest for Love and Chairs by Alexander Loaiza (

Oh yes, the principal (tried to make) a virtual field trip...

Wow, amazing game, such an interesting and dark story, great atmosphere, the ending looks very well done too!

The game is hard but pretty cool!

This is a very cool game it has great visuals, and great game play once you understand the gimmick! That being said, it was hard to understand the multiple universes gimmick, and the game is very laggy.

This is very cool and kind of challenging!

Nice, kind of hard, took me a while to understand the controls even after reading them.

(1 edit)

Cannot open game, error. :(

Update: So I found out that my computer does not read this file format so that is why it didn't open. So I found an app that can read the file and unzipped it, now I was able to play it. So, what walls the switches turn on and off can be unclear, and it can get confusing which way is left and right. But overall, it is pretty cool!

Quite fun! Like sniping Moon Zombies from very far away!

Very hard game! Like the opening cutscene!


Very fun and creative game!

Sorry if the second link to the game seems random, this is my first game jam and I was not sure if it actually submitted, but I believe it is indeed submitted now!

Hear is the game I made for the jam. Play as the Moon and protect the Earth from those darn black holes!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! 

I made this strange game for Game Dev Unlocked: 7 Day game Launch Challenge course. It is only a few minutes long. You must look for 5 Kiwis to eat.

This is my first game "You Have 15 Seconds Left to Live". It is a  short (5 levels) but hard 2D platformer where you must make it to the goal but you need to keep collecting little items to buy you more time.