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A member registered 65 days ago · View creator page →

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I tried your game and really liked the atmosphere of it.  it feels like 90s terminal and really give a weird vibe. I Liked that!

I would really appreciate it if there was a simple text at the beginning and explain some mechanics. for example it took me a while to understand what was the purpose of skull points in the bottom left panel or how did the clock worked.

but The comments made up for that confusing part.

well done!

Thank you for taking your time and testing our game. We appreciate the feedback.

We were trying something new with the camera but it ended up being not so good. We'll try fixing that if we ever wanted to continue developing the game.

I'll leave a comment for your game after testing it.

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for testing our game. This was our first game so we appreciate every feedback.

Yeah! the camera system was bugged the last hour. we had to change the entire UI system to get the game working in HTML. Difficulty curve is also something that needs to be worked on. 

I'm happy you at least liked something in our game! :D