Damn son! 209 is a new highscore! Congratulations 🏆 I've got like 207 before the snake tried to make a neat curve and hit the wall. Sorry for the part that your computer od
Thanks for your feedback. Agree on adding obstacles. I think the emulating of a snake going a bit left and right is adding some to the overall gameplay. And yeah, the camera is kind of tricky, not ideal if playing the game for several hours.
Thanks! I agree on pleasentness. Also agree on adding obstacles/enemies. I made the music in fl (im originally a sound designer going indie dev) and was aiming at that chill/pleasent/casual vibe.
Yes, haha, sometimes the thing that one really want has serious consequences. Like wormsnake, he was hungry and hated the pink for its color but because of the inclining speed - well, there is no turning back nor speeding down.