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A member registered Jul 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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Played this after having played a very early version. It's coming along nicely! I enjoyed it. I'd appreciate a few clearly sign posted event bad ends, strip too many times, marry Rocky, take witches pink potion right infront of her etc. Oh also please fillout the bee-girl content, insect girls rule! But yeah great job!

I don't wish to spoil too much, but I think that's mostly a feature of the kitsune path not being done. The work is about transformation, becoming something or someone else. Change isn't necessarily bad, but you can never be everything to everyone. I hope you have a good year. Here's hoping I get it together writing wise this year.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. I get why it might seem like the spiders should of been finished first, they are the main antagonists. But have considered just how great ant-girls are? Truthfully I wrote the game for the ant-girl part and the rest is just because why not.

It's open to interpretation, if that's what you want to have happened, that's what happened! You found yourself after all and have the ability to pursue what that means.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked it!

That level had a lot of design problems I didn't quite solve well. I can't play with it right now sadly. But the way it works is it rolls randomly to see which TF to give you and and then has a 90% chance that the next time you get caught it's that TF. This was to keep the player from constantly switching TFs and not progressing the one they currently had. It's not a great solution to that problem. I'll think on it.

I thought I did! Whoops! Thanks for the heads up!


Oh thanks. I'm glad you liked it!

Aww, thanks I'm glad you liked it! Did you stay with your sisters or go looking for your friends at the end?


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If you read closely, Frederick almost always gets the idea to stay a woman from the player character. The way I read him is that he's interested in experiencing new things, which is why he enjoys being a woman so much. The group dynamic and how he's not the bravest soul means that he wouldn't want to be the only woman, so he "volunteers" to help when the player character stays. In the hidden ending, partially just to switch up the regular way things go, partially because like the player character he views staying a woman as still being kitsune influenced so he returns to normal because that's what he expects the player character to do. (Not that being a woman is necessarily kitsune influenced, but that's how things were vibing.)

Rpg maker game has been out sadly. It's the research tower one, with all the hardening content. It sucks. I know it sucks. But I woke up with a plan to make a game, and by god I made it. Anyway there needs to be a lot more writing to fill out the blank spots in the design, so I'm making it a writing challenge to get into the swing of writing lots. Also need to redo some of the puzzles.

The visual novel is currently just a retelling of most of the ant paths. The art and music are all placeholder. But the MC has a sprite. The writing is a touch stronger because it's first person and I gave it an editing pass. It's far from essential. A good friend of mine, Salty Justice was adding visual novel functionality to their game engine and offer to help me set up it. Lot more work than I was expecting sadly. I'd really like to finish it someday, but I'll have to finish the twine game first. Gotta get my life's work done.

Re the ending: I'm glad you liked it. It'd be possible to put in a choice to stay a woman. Be a neat touch. I'll make a note. But yes, they are waters of emancipation so you'd have to lose the kitsune aspect.

As for new content, it'll be a timeframe of months. I'm not starting until the end of March because I'm finishing up an RPG maker game this month and I'm gonna try to get a visual novel release out for the anniversary on march 22nd. On top of that, I'm not a very fast or consistent writer, it's a good day when I get a thousand words written. Checking the patch notes, kitsune 1 was about 100K and kitsune 2 will likely be about that big. It's also gonna be a path I'm less enthusiastic about, just because I don't really enjoy mind control or mind control adjacent content. But I'm be at it this long, so I'm gonna finish it.

I won't release the whole path at once, I generally put out releases when I hit writing milestones, or make the game 10% bigger. Anyway thank you for all of the feedback.

Oh I'm glad you liked that path so much! I'm really proud of the possessed sequence myself. I experimented and I thinked it worked out.

To get the hidden ending you have to think about tails at the start of the sequence, and cohen at the end. Not taking any damage in between, because that will kill you on the second thought. It's the option to rebuke your Matron, finally realizing why she has gifted you a tail, and drawing a negative conclusion about the relationship between you.

Re: pregnancy

That'd be an interesting element to be sure and it would perhaps make an interesting epilogue thing, although I don't think that'd fit well with the story I'm telling. 

The purely pragmatic reason it didn't come up again is I didn't think about it.
The in-story reason is that even when you don't blow up at her, you immediately dip into steaming hot water and do your best to remove the offending substance. I'm not an expert at such things but that seems a believable anti-pregnancy measure. The thinking about how she can impregnate people with her mind was meant to be a joke.

The reason why it's given so much narrative weight is that it's meant to both poke fun at the story and game this is, and to illuminate in the most elemental sense the relationship between the player character and your matron.
The poking fun is that well, this is a porn game about adventurers doing adventuring. Heroic fantasies rarely focus on how unprotected sex can really screw over the woman, and suddenly being the woman in that equation is meant to point out that lack of thought.
The relationship dynamic is that, as the narration points out, that's not really done among equals, or at least among peasants because you don't screw over your neighbor, especially without asking. If you wished to be charitable, she assumes that you are in a relationship with her and that her trying to impregnate you is just part of that. If you want to be uncharitable, it'll be easier to be in a relationship with you if you are pregnant with her child. Either way, she is assuming that she's the important person in the relationship, and that you will just go with it. There is nothing that she can do, that you won't forgive, as exemplified by her callousness here. She is perhaps thinking with her dick.

Aww thanks! It always makes my day when someone says they like my game! I'm glad you liked the ants so much. I made the game because I like ant-girls and figured they needed more content.

Yep game is under active development. It's just that since the game is mostly writing, and I'm not a very fast or consistent writer it takes a long time between releases. I also tend to get distracted with other projects, I've made like four other games while working on this one. But it's my life's work so I'll finish it eventually.

I'm hoping to have a release go out about new years. It'll be more kitsune content, I hoped to finish all of the kitsune 1 endings but it's not looking likely.

Thanks for calling me one of a kind! I wish I could claim to be a unique genius but I'm just an artist in a continuum of artists. If you liked the funny parts I'd recommend the works of Terry Pratchett. If you liked the adventure parts I'd recommend Conan the barbarian by Robert Howard (Although I've only read Hour of the Dragon.). If you liked the kitsune parts I'd recommend the works of Kij Johnson (Fudoki especially.) If you'd like games like mine, I'd recommend Runes of Pandemonium by my friend Salty Justice. ( although that's a lot better than my game. Or if you'd like another purely narrative game I'd recommend Determined, which is also a lot better than my game but sadly incomplete. (

Yep moths and moth-girls rule! A moth-girl centric work was what pushed me to do writing at all so I gotta make something with them. Sadly it's gonna be the last path because it represents the "end" of a story as open as this one. I don't want to spoil anything, but the development tag line is "What do you think of death?"

I've think I've caught that bug, but I'll do another pass over before the release. I'd just push a fix now but because of the way twine works I can only really have one working copy going at a time. At least not without rolling the dice on backing up and then deleting the current version and those are not dice to roll lightly.

Thanks for taking the time to give feedback and happy holidays!

No worries I can understand you! I'm glad you liked the game! The plan is
1. Fox/Kitsune
2. Spider
3. Bee
4. Moth

Sadly this will take a long time. But hopefully will be good when finished.

Thanks! I'm glad you like it so much!

Thanks! It should be fixed in the next version. Forgot to close the bracket there.

Well that’s a relief.

It's always bad ass to see someone release a bunch of great bug-girl content!

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I'm doing well thank you, thanks for the continued interest!

I'm sorry I'm just not the most social of people. I guess I could tell you where to find me online. I'm on the discord sometimes as aaaac, and my twitter is although I mostly use that to compliment artists.

Sorry I don't have a discord at the moment. I'm just a single person doing this, and I don't produce work in such volume that there would be much to talk about. Maybe later though.

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Thanks! It's coming along, I'm hoping to finish up a visual novel release soon.

I agree art would be kickass, but sadly costs money. The twine game will never have art, that's just an aesthetic choice. But I'm hoping to start adding art to the visual novel. I've just never done it before and it's a big expensive undertaking.

Edit: I did actually get transformation art!

There's also the fan art I commissioned on the first page of the twine game.

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Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! The download has the files for the character creator if you want to see how the 3d art models were put together.
Edit: I also really gotta thank Koops(twitter: @Seyton19) for coming up with such killer designs!

Aww thanks! I don't think anyone has called it a masterpiece before. I'm glad the story really grabbed you.  
Hehe, I really like ant-girls, but there isn't much stuff featuring them. So I decided I'd make the game so there was stuff about them. I'm glad it worked.

Thanks! I'm glad to hear that it worked even as incomplete as it is!

Thanks! That makes my day to hear!

Awww thanks! I'm glad you liked it!