the second boss is difficult, but if you actually tried it's not impossible.. smh
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Wow.. this game is amazing. 9/10
First off, the background area along with the music is creatively designed and gives a good atmosphere for the first boss Grave knight Bonart (i hoped you did make a new area for Nalani, The Crimson Blade though) and it makes the bossfight absolutely captivating. I think the work on the animations for Bonart are near flawless, the attack delay is executed perfectly, and the boss isn't even that difficult to defeat AFTER you memorize the attack patterns and open windows to strike back. The only issue is that for one attack combo there is a moment where I take damage a fraction of a millisecond too early.
The second boss, Nalani, is a challenging boss at first. The pg's attacks were far slower than the bosses', so I couldn't really get much out of doing regular attacks. I also found it hard to time the rolls properly so I stuck to strafing and only attacking in open windows. A great way to combat this and speeden up the fight is to make use of the heavy charged attack, which staggers her. I managed to kill her with 3 heals remaining.
So in conclusion, the main tips I have for this game are:
- to fix the attack animation inaccuracy in the first boss
- to increase the pg's attack speed
- to increase the roll speed (and maybe slightly increasing the i-frames)
The fact that you made this in ONE month really amazes me. Potentially if you want to expand, also make a new area where Nalani fits in better (like a dojo or something) because you have the skills and creativity. I'd like to see more from you and who knows maybe we'll get the new Elden Ring?