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A member registered Apr 20, 2019 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

An amazing work, I must say! Well done, please keep going! 💪

What does the Trainer+2 version mean?

Atmospheric indeed! Excellent job!

(1 edit)

Love this piece of game! Special thanks for the .pocket file!

I've enjoyed playing this game so much! 

Cool :)

Awesome game! So addictive :)  Thank you!

 I mean, to catch a pokemon we use a poke ball, but what do we use to catch a dokimon?😁

How do you call the analogy for the poke ball?

(2 edits)

Looking forward to have a physical cartridge available!

I've just made some upgrades to my original Game Boy Color. 

I'm so happy that the Game Boy Color community is still alive!

Thank you for keeping the Game Boy community alive! Gonna play it on my Pocket, so I'm especially happy for the .pocket file :) Well done!

That's good news :) Thank you!

Looks so promising! :) 

Is there any chance a future update might include exporting to a .pocket file (for Analogue Pocket)? 

(1 edit)

Is there a possibility  to export this game as a `.pocket` file?

Awesome artwork!  Thank you :)

Прикольно! Так это игра или исходники?

The enemies are not easy to win :) I'm trying hard. Wanna see the big boss. Hehe

Thank you for the assets! They're awesome :)

I really enjoyed the game! Thank you for it ^___^ I'm gonna come back to play it again :)

Hello, I really love your style. Do you do freelance as well?