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A member registered Feb 12, 2024 · View creator page →

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Those are translation errors, which will be fixed in the next update.

Hahaha, there’s barely any of that in the game! e.e

Unfortunately, this game is broken in some aspects. I made it quickly, but I plan to fix all the errors in the next update when I have the time.

The issue seems to be with itself.

Eu realmente não tenho, eu só peguei alguns videos random da net.

Sim, pretendo, mas não por agora.

Eu pensei nisso, tanto que o jogo tem algums momentos sandbox, talvez no futuro eu conversa o jogo para o estilo sandbox, mais por enquanto ele vai ser nesse estilo meio linear.

Obrigado pelo comentário. <3

Hahaha, of the three things you asked for, the only one I can promise is the pregnancy content.

Haha, don't worry, the only girls that ended up with bigger butts were these ones. The ones coming in the future, especially the smaller girls, will be normal—slim as they should be.

Yes, I do. The security cameras on the computer are currently turned off, but they'll be useful for that.

Lol, another bug for me to fix in the next update.

Try changing the language in the settings.

There are already CGI's in the game.

Haha, obrigado, e sim, como eu tenho um pc merda, eu tento deixar o jogo mais leve possivel para rodar além do meu pc é claro, em outros pcs mais fracos.

Yes, it's possible. There's a part in the game where you'll be able to interact with him or completely remove him from your game.

Já tenho um discord basta progurar nas postagem aqui do jogo que você acha o link

Thank you very much for the comment. <3

Haha, don't worry, it won't change more than that. And no, you won't be able to choose visually; that would be too much work to implement.

This update ends here. Please wait for the next update.

Lol, thanks for letting me know. The name glitched; I'll fix it in the next update. That was a test name, and I forgot to remove it.

If you're referring to the gallery images, then the ones in this update are exclusive to Patreon. In the next update, they will be available in the free version.

You will have a surprise in the next episode, hehe.

It will be in the main game.

This game will have that in the future.

O jogo já está em Portugues do Brasil, basta ir nas configurações do jogo e mudar a linguagem para o Português.

That's why I don't like porting these Ren'Py game versions to Android; they always cause problems. I recommend using JoiPlay to play the PC version on your phone—it will be better.

the main game has.

Com certeza, esse jogo é o jogo para eu soltar coisas que eu não soltaria no jogo principal, então espere muitas garotas de tudo que é tipo.

I added it just as a programming test. I made this game for that purpose, to test things.

Done, patch created.

In response to your question, the Android version is already available here on—just download it. As for the notification about what you're playing on Discord, I'm going to add a path now for you to place in your game's folder that will disable this option.

In the next update, I'll put the list of tags on the main page. No, I don't plan to add NTR. Lesbian content, maybe, and forced sex, maybe as well. As for anal sex, that's definitely going to be included.

I intend to do that from episode 11 onward.

Thanks for the feedback <3

haha isso é verdade, ate eu pensei nisso mais ja era tarde para voltar o jogo todo e consertar isso.

Either you didn't play the whole game or you didn't read anything I wrote on the initial page. I mentioned there that I added so many girls to have more future content and that from episode 11 onward, I would focus only on the girls already in the game to deepen the story. It seems like you didn't read anything and just came to criticize for the sake of criticizing, which makes things difficult, man.

opa, valeu.

kkkkkkkkkkkkk esse jogo não tem historia então não espere muita coisa.

(1 edit)

I started creating Episode 12 today, so I'm not sure when it will be released.