Frankly, I really find it a shame that the game has a lot of bugs because the idea is good and the game is pretty to see in real life, but I think that instead of changing the face or the hair of one of the girls, there should be a big update on the bugs and also the quest system which needs to be reviewed a bit.
Recent community posts
Hello I downloaded the game 0.1.6 and the as I was told the location of 1-3LT1save must be "$HOME/Library/RenPy/Heroes University H on Mac but it does not work I don't have any saves in the game.
For MAC:
we go well in (display the contents of the package/contents/Ressoureces/autorun/renpy and we place 1-3save in renpy or instead of renpy we go in game/save-copie but it does not work I tried
Thank you for your reply
hi everyone i have a small problem when i launch the new version 0.5.2 of EXTRALIFE it tells me that a skin is incompatible and may not be displayed correctly (noriko_director0.5) i pressed manage the game launches no problem but qua, d I go on the quests they tell me to wait for the next update
Thank you for your reply
hello i am stuck in the game
I'm when Cecille is waiting in the evening in front of the port in nun's outfit where you can launch the mini game and the big pink bar in the middle at the bottom of the screen I've filled it completely but I haven't end scene he puts me the basic scene as if my bar was not complete thank you in advance