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A member registered Sep 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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We've delved into the story of Orion, Annie, and Chang as they embark on their journey to Kredon. The narrative introduced these characters, detailing their backgrounds, the anticipation surrounding their arrival, and their connections with their host families. Annie's excitement contrasts with Orion's reflective nature, especially about their impending meeting with Nancy, their host. There's a sense of mystery and tension introduced through a cryptic phone call received by Orion, hinting at something unknown related to finding "Calypso" and the "doors of Acheron."

Throughout the story, we've explored different scenarios involving the characters, their interactions, Chang's anticipation versus reality concerning Micaela, and various humorous situations. The tale has elements of anticipation, humor, and intrigue, adding depth to the characters' personalities and relationships.

Overall, the story has a mix of anticipation, mystery, and humor, painting a vibrant picture of the characters' lives and their forthcoming adventures in Kredon.

As Micaela steps closer, her towering presence causes an unusual unease in the surroundings. Her towering figure seems to cast an imposing shadow, causing the sudden flutter of birds and the eerie eclipse-like effect.

Orion and Chang exchange uncertain glances, noticing the curious reactions around Micaela. Their initial surprise gradually gives way to a mix of awe and confusion.

Orion: "Wow, your shadow really caught us off guard! The way it stretches across the park—it almost looked like an eclipse."

Chang: "Yeah, it startled the birds too! I've never seen anything like that."

Micaela, noticing their discomfort, tries to put them at ease.

Micaela: "I'm sorry if I startled you both! I guess I have that effect on people sometimes."

Orion and Chang nod hesitantly, still slightly taken aback by the unexpected occurrence. Despite their initial shock, they can't help but admire Micaela's graceful demeanor amidst her extraordinary stature.

Lucinda returns with a youthful, bright-eyed girl by her side, introducing her as Micaela.

Lucinda: "Orion, Chang, this is my daughter, Micaela."

Micaela smiles warmly, her hazel eyes shining with curiosity as she looks at the two boys.

Micaela: "Hi! It's nice to meet you both!"

Orion and Chang greet her in return, pleasantly surprised by her friendly demeanor.

Orion: "Welcome to Kredon, Micaela! How was your journey here?"

Micaela: "It was okay, a bit long, but I'm excited to be here!"

Chang: "Hey, we're all in this together! We'll make sure you enjoy your time here."

Micaela's face lights up with a bright smile, indicating she's already feeling comfortable in the company of Orion and Chang.

Orion: "Don't worry, Chang. You're making assumptions before even meeting her. She might surprise you."

Chang: "Yeah, I hope so. Just a bit nervous, you know?"

Orion: "Understandable, but let's stay positive. This could be the start of something good for all of us."

As they chat, Orion suddenly notices an odd disturbance in the park's atmosphere. Birds scatter, and a strange shadow engulfs the area, catching his attention.

Orion: *(Looking around)* "What's happening? That's strange... Where's this shadow coming from?"

Chang: *(Noticing Orion's distraction)* "Hey, what's up?"

Orion: "I'm not sure... Something feels off. Do you see that?"

Chang: *(Looking around)* "Whoa, that is weird. It's like there's an unexpected eclipse or something."

Orion's unease grows as the peculiar situation continues. A sense of foreboding lingers in the air, leaving them both puzzled and slightly anxious.

Chang: *(Excitedly)* "Man, I can't wait to meet my host family! I hope they're super cool, maybe have a big house, a sleek car, and perhaps, their own mini-mansion!"

Orion: *(Teasing)* "Ah, Chang the Dreamer! What if they're not as cool as you imagine? What if they're just regular folks?"

Chang: *(Laughing)* "Nah, I'm picturing a family with their own private chef, a massive pool, and a pet tiger! I'm Chang the Hopeful here, expecting grandeur!"

Orion: *(Grinning)* "Well, prepare yourself, buddy. You might find a cozy home, a lovely family, and maybe, just maybe, no tigers."

Chang: *(Jokingly)* "I won't settle for less than a tame elephant then! Chang the High Expectations awaits!"

Their playful banter sets the tone for Chang's optimistic yet exaggerated expectations about his host family, envisioning a lifestyle filled with extravagance and luxury. However, the reality might differ from Chang's imaginative aspirations, leading to a humorous contrast between his hopes and the actual situation.

Chang: *(Thinking to himself)* "She seems nice, but she's a bit... overly enthusiastic. Well, better be polite, though."

Orion: *(Approaching Chang)* "Hey, buddy! Everything alright?"

Chang: "Yeah, all good. Just met my hostess, Ms. Garcia. She's off to get her daughter. What about you?"

Orion: "Still waiting for Annie to check the other exit. Nancy might be there."

Chang: "Got it. Man, this place is giving me some vibes!"

Orion: "Yeah, it's kind of surreal, isn't it? Returning after all these years."

Chang: "How're you feeling about being back?"

Orion: "Nervous, excited... a bit of everything, really. I mean, the memories I have are vague, but it's still where I spent my early years."

Chang: "I feel you. It's a fresh start for all of us. Who knows what's in store?"

Orion: "Absolutely! Hopefully, some amazing adventures and good times."

Chang: "Speaking of good times, any plans once we settle in?"

Orion: "Not really, at least not immediately. Tomorrow's the first day of school, so I'd like to start fresh there."

Chang: "True. No time like the present to make a mark, huh?"

Orion: "Definitely. But tonight, I think we should take it easy, get some rest. Big day tomorrow!"

Chang: "Agreed. But, hey, let's keep our eyes open for those opportunities, right?"

Orion: "Absolutely, my man. Always ready for adventure!"

As they wait and chat, the anticipation for their new beginnings grows. Orion and Chang share their mixed emotions about returning to Kredon and their hopes for the future. Despite the nerves, they're both eager for what lies ahead, looking forward to the fresh start in this familiar yet unfamiliar town.

Annie: *Laughs* "Wait a minute, Orion! The Golden State Warriors play basketball, not the 49ers! The 49ers are a football team!"

Orion: *Chuckles* "Right, right! My bad! I think I got a little mixed up there. Basketball, football... it's all sports, right?"

Annie: "Totally different sports, but nice try! You should stick to computer graphics, not sports commentary!"

Orion: "Hey, I'll stick to what I know best, for sure! No more sports trivia from me."

Annie: "What were you muttering about? Girls?"

Orion: "No, just thinking about the new city, Annie. Lots on my mind."

Annie: "You can tell me, you know. I won't judge."

Orion: "It's really nothing. Just random thoughts."

Annie: "Okay, if you say so..."

Orion: "We were... joking around, actually. Chang was playfully coming up with silly nicknames for himself, you know, like 'Chang the Casanova' and such."

Annie: "Oh, really? *Laughs* That sounds funny! What about you? Did you have a nickname too?"

Orion: "Nah, not really. It was just banter, Annie. Nothing serious."

Annie: "Come on, spill the beans! What's the Orion version of those nicknames?"

Orion: "Hmm, maybe 'Orion the Reluctant Joker' at best."

Annie: "That's not as exciting! *Laughs* Well, if you boys are having your secret conversations, I want in on them too!"

Orion and his friends, Annie and Chang, are on their way to their new homes in Kredon. The anticipation of reuniting with Nancy, Orion's former babysitter, after a decade evokes mixed emotions of excitement and nervousness. Meanwhile, Chang prepares to meet his host family, Lucinda, Mark, and their daughter, Micaela.

As they near their destination, Annie asks about their plans upon arrival. Orion plans to greet everyone and then rest, prioritizing a good first impression for the following day's school debut. Annie, on the other hand, looks forward to indulging in Eternum, a hyper-realistic MMORPG that has become a global sensation.

The conversation delves into Eternum's origins as a highly anticipated game, promising an unparalleled immersive experience. However, it has evolved into an addictive force, its success driving the company, Ulysses, to unprecedented wealth and influence. Despite its allure, the game's darker side—filled with illegal activities, including heinous acts and a lawless environment—contrasts sharply with its captivating appeal. Orion's reflections on Eternum highlight the game's morally ambiguous nature, enticing users with its freedoms while harboring darker implications.

Thanks a lot! 👍👍

This is a fan-made story!

Arriving back in Kredon, Orion feels a mixture of excitement and nostalgia. The cityscape has changed since his childhood, with new buildings and technological advancements, but the familiar streets and landmarks evoke a sense of homecoming.


It feels surreal being back in Kredon, my hometown. So much has changed, yet the memories of my childhood are still vivid. This is my chance to reconnect with my roots and make new memories in a place that shaped me.

Orion settles into his new school, where he quickly becomes known for his skills in computer graphics and his enthusiasm for technology. His classmates are intrigued by his international background and eagerly befriend him. Among his newfound friends is Emma, a talented programmer with a passion for gaming.



Orion, you have to try this game! It's called ETERNUM, and it's the talk of the town. Everyone's playing it. It's a virtual MMORPG that's so realistic, you won't believe it. Want to check it out?



Sure, I've heard about it. But I've also heard rumors about its dark side. Have you experienced anything strange?



There have been some incidents, but the immersive experience is like nothing else. Trust me, it's worth trying. We can explore it together.

Intrigued by Emma's enthusiasm, Orion decides to give Eternum a chance. He downloads the game and enters the virtual world. As he puts on the neural implant, his senses become heightened, and he finds himself transported into a fantastical realm, surrounded by vibrant landscapes and incredible creatures.


Whoa... this is unlike anything I've ever experienced. The sights, the sounds, it's all so real. But I can't forget that there's more to this game than meets the eye.

As Orion delves deeper into Eternum, he discovers a thriving community within the game, filled with players from all walks of life. However, he also encounters disturbing elements, witnessing instances of exploitation, illegal activities, and an absence of consequences.


This is exactly what I feared. Eternum is not just a game; it's a reflection of the real world, with its dark side left unchecked. It's time to uncover the truth and bring about change.

Orion begins documenting the injustices he witnesses within Eternum, meticulously collecting evidence and testimonies from affected players. He collaborates with Emma and a group of like-minded individuals who share his vision of a safer and regulated virtual world.

Together, they create a movement called "Virtual Reform," advocating for governmental intervention and stricter regulations within Eternum. Through social media campaigns, public awareness events, and organizing protests, they raise awareness about the dangers lurking beneath the game's surface.


(standing before a crowd)

We cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering and exploitation happening within Eternum. It's time for accountability and change. Together, we can reshape this virtual world into a safe and inclusive space for all.

Their movement gains momentum, attracting the attention of influential figures and media outlets. The outcry for regulation within Eternum becomes too loud to ignore. The government, forced to take action, establishes a committee dedicated to overseeing the virtual world and enforcing regulations to protect players' well-being.


We did it. Our voices were heard, and change is finally happening. Eternum will no longer be a lawless realm. It will become a place where players can truly enjoy the game without fear or exploitation.

With their mission accomplished, Orion and his allies continue to advocate for virtual ethics, inspiring similar movements in otherparts of the world. Their efforts spark a global conversation about the ethical implications of virtual reality and the importance of responsible development.

Orion and Emma become ambassadors for Virtual Reform, traveling to conferences and universities, sharing their experiences, and urging others to join the cause. They collaborate with game developers, experts in artificial intelligence, and lawmakers to establish guidelines and frameworks for virtual worlds, ensuring the protection of players' rights, privacy, and mental well-being.

Over time, Eternum undergoes significant transformations. The introduction of strict regulations curtails the illicit activities that once plagued the game. With a dedicated team monitoring the virtual world, instances of harassment, exploitation, and illegal content trafficking decrease significantly. Eternum evolves into a safer, more inclusive, and regulated environment for players to explore and enjoy.


Eternum has been redefined. From a lawless playground, it has emerged as a testament to the power of collective action and the resilience of individuals who refuse to accept the status quo. It proves that technology can be a force for good when guided by ethics and responsibility.

As years pass, Orion looks back at his journey with pride, knowing that he played a pivotal role in reshaping the virtual landscape. His efforts not only protected current players but also influenced the development of future virtual reality technologies, fostering a culture of accountability and mindfulness in the realm of gaming.


Our journey has shown that change is possible, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. It is a reminder that we hold the power to shape the worlds we inhabit, both virtual and real. Let us never forget our responsibility to one another.

With the lessons learned from their fight for virtual reform, Orion and Emma continue to advocate for ethical technology, dedicating themselves to ensuring that progress and innovation align with the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.


Title: "Eternum Chronicles"


The room is filled with moving boxes, indicating a recent move. The protagonist, PLAYER (late teens), and their best friend, ALEX (also late teens), are unpacking their belongings.


(looking around)

Can you believe we're finally here, Alex? The city of Kredon, home to all those incredible schools and ETERNUM!



I know, right? It's going to be amazing! Just imagine experiencing Eternum's hyper-reality firsthand.


(slightly hesitant)

But... I've heard things about the dark side of Eternum. The rumors about illegal activities, the lack of regulation... It's unsettling.



Yeah, I've heard those rumors too. But think about it, the government and the authorities must have their reasons for turning a blind eye, right?



I guess so. But it's hard to ignore the reports of what goes on in the game. It's like there's a hidden truth behind it all.


Player and Alex sit at the kitchen table, sipping coffee. They discuss their concerns about Eternum.



What if there's something more to Eternum? Something beyond the addictive nature and the financial interests?



What are you thinking?



I want to dig deeper, Alex. I want to uncover the truth behind Eternum and its unregulated nature. We can't just accept it as it is.



I'm with you, Player. We can't ignore the dark side, especially if it's affecting people's lives. We'll become the players who bring about change.


Player sits in front of their computer, researching Eternum's dark side. They come across articles, forum threads, and testimonies of those affected by the game's lawlessness.



This is bigger than I thought. Eternum is a world of its own, with its own rules. We need to navigate carefully.


Player and Alex meet again, determined to take action.


(showing a plan)

I've mapped out a strategy. We'll start by gathering evidence of the illegal activities within Eternum, documenting the injustices.



And then, we expose it to the world, forcing the authorities to take action and bring regulation to this virtual world.



Exactly. It won't be easy, but we owe it to the people who've suffered because of Eternum's lawlessness.


Player and Alex's avatars stand side by side, ready to navigate the treacherous world of Eternum, seeking truth and justice.


Our journey starts now. In a world where fantasy and reality blur, we will challenge the status quo and fight for a better Eternum.



Note: This script is just a starting point, and you can expand upon it to create a more detailed and immersive story. Consider adding subplots, character development arcs, and unexpected twists to make the game engaging and impactful.

In the main menu, go to preferences and enable hardware acceleration.

Yes. Go to C:/Users/Sour1999/Appdata/Roaming/Eternum-1610153667 and delete the "saves" folder, make sure you have enabled show hidden files and folders to be able to see the Appdata folder.

Snuggles is just a spoilt bear of the princess! Snuggles is a sadistic bear too!

Really? Wow nice, I didn't notice that.

Absolutely, that's enough for Eternum.

Why you can't play on Android? What error is coming?

Now that the Eternum update is released for everyone, can you please unban me, Caribdis? I'm really sorry for posting spoilers earlier. I'll never do that ever again.

And also the Discord is closed too. Why is that?

Okay I understand. I'm sorry 🥺😔

Hi Caribdis why did you disable comments in your current game Eternum?