there's kart fighter rosalina in the april fools build. so I'd really suggest porting her from the '24 version, since that one runs on the same version of the engine as v8 and whatever weird extended version you're gonna use.
Aboba W. Muhmuhin
Recent community posts
you could switch between the playstyles on the fly as link, but that miiiight've been a mod thing though. so it counts but not really.
also. poketrainer not being zelda is a very shitty argument.
you asked me for characters that can switch with a single input, I named characters that can switch with a single input. so what's wrong now, huh?
edit: cmc+ having a different engine doesn't matter. professor oak, an april fools character made as a joke, worked in 9.2's version of the engine, and it worked PERFECTLY FINE. 0 HITCHES WHATSOEVER.
edit2: hell, I'll even go out on a whim here. out of every character I listed, only *one* wouldn't really work in 9.5 and it's vent/aile. they're too much of a technological achievement that they really, REALLY don't feel compatible with 9.5. every other character, including the shiruzato link which came out 5 years ago, have genuinely zero reason to shit themselves in vanilla outside of being v8 exclusive or something stupid like that.
and if anything, I'd really love to see this get updated!
maybe make the graphics 8-bit to better fit in with the "remake of an LCD game" aesthetic?
maybe try redesigning the platforms? they aren't exactly a good fit at the moment
there are so many options to improving the game, and it would be nice if the developer listened and at least somewhat touched upon those things
but what do I know, I'm just a hater, aren't I?
this is in no way better than the original, I'd even argue that it's worse
you sacrificed the duck button, arrow keys support, birds and the night section all for what? amateur pixel art, springs/caps and raised platforms, and a way to die by choice?
I'll just say that the graphics part isn't exactly bad, you can see that the creator is not a pixel artist
but my god, you removed all the style from ChDino and had the gall to call it "good" and "better"
this game is a solid 3/10, coming from a fan of the original game