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A member registered Apr 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks hammygaymer.  You should be able to add more bedding by dragging it up.

This bug is fixed in version 1.3.19.  You might need to restart your browser to get it to update.  Thanks for finding and reporting that bug.

I see what you mean!  I was able to reproduce the bug when I tried recreating the platform setup you have in your hammy home.  I'll fix this over the weekend.

Thanks for letting me know about this.  I haven't seen this issue before.  Hopefully I can repilcate it on my pc so that I can fix it.

Thanks @fuzzhusk for sharing your hammy home.  You showed me there was a bug with placing the bridges in cages which is now fixed.

(5 edits)

This is cool, but can you edit this so that it is the link.?   (Could hurt performance for hammy home above)

I'm surprised that it works in the comments.


Edit:  btw, it looks like I need to fix a bug with the progressbar in the embed version.  

Edit 2: fixed issue with progressbar and issue with hams not climbing into cage well from T tube below.  Thanks @Anonymous_darky

Edit 3:  I had to delete the embedded version.

Did they work it out or did you have to help them?

(1 edit)

I'm not sure why it's performing poorly for you.   I wonder if hardware acceleration is turned off.  Check chrome://gpu

Works fine on my cheap lenovo chromebook.