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A member registered Feb 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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These are exactly the kinds of things I'd be making if I was ready to finally start figuring out NES maker.  Looks like things are coming along well.  Can't wait for counterfeit DOOM 😂

That would be cool, too!

I died driving off the road doing like 100 trying to catch a slow driver, which is proof that slow drivers are the most dangerous as I never would have been doing 100 had they not been driving slowly. 🤣

Fun concept!  If you wanted to build it out a bit more, you could add an energy bar to the traktor beam that resets after each cow, forcing you to strategize when to use it.

This game is great, I just wish there was a mode that would turn off the pants you've already found.  Also, I think there's a secret, but I wasn't good enough to get all the parts in the same run lol

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Going through via the Pico-8 cart now, and with what I've learned along the way, I just got the best solution for "Hallways" 😂`  2 lines of code



:O there is one!  And I have no idea what it needs because it doesn't like any of the directions I give it.  Hmmmmm

Also: I checked out the Last Call BBS version of this game - well done!

Are we starting with a Shadowgate reference?  Let's goooooo

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I can think of a billion ways to do the 2nd puzzle in the 2nd batch if we had an accumulator or register and a way to track units moved...  I was like "Maybe if I pushed them all to the top, then looped pulling them back 1 at a time..." but there's no way to set a register for looping.  IDK how to math when you can't math lol

This 2nd set is super brutal...  I can't beat any of the puzzles 😂.  GG

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lol your demo screenshot shows a ROT command.  That would have been handy for a few solutions lol.  I guess it was too easy to cheese your way through with it, though 😂

[EDIT] I just realized you can use FCE RIGHT to basically do the same thing... d'oh

This game is interesting but there are a few things:

1. The pages don't flip in the intuitive way.  You have to hit up to go to the next page, and down to go to the previous.

2. The 2nd page that gives scenarios aren't clear - are the scenarios caused by the conditions under them, or do you need to relay the conditions to clear the scenario?

3. If the plane crashes, you need to quit and start over.  The "Outgoing" deselects and there's no way to get it back unless you hit [esc], select "quit" and then start a new game.

It's a fun concept, and I love that our person takes on the role of the worst employee ever - who in their right mind would keep a useless form visible when you could have two critical pages of info in front of you instead?  😂

It would be interesting if different ghosts required different items, or if the items shuffled each time you played so you couldn't just give it the same 3 items every time and beat the game in 30 seconds.  The idea is interesting, but there's not much of a game here yet.

I just got around to playing this in full and taking it all in.  I honestly love this so much.  The atmosphere is great.  Would it be possible to release the source for this, or maybe create an engine or something so we could see more games like this pop up?  It's an awesome take on text adventures - a typically boring (in my worthless opinion) genre, but you've made it actually fun and worth playing.  There are few games that I'd put on a pedestal, but this is one of them.

There's no NES ROM in this package as far as I can tell.  No biggy as I can just play the gameboy version, but it's advertised as having an NES version.

I really wish there was an option to share your favourite jams.  Every once and a while I actually get clips from people who are mostly on beat and have put some cool patterns together lol

Dang, I've had a few in the 50K range, but wasn't paying close attention.  My best since I have been keeping an eye on it is  54,150

Thank you, random internet stranger Dee - wherever you are!

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At first I was thinking it would be handy to have a more accessible toggle for adult stuff, but thinking about it more I think a badge/label for games that have been marked as adult would be better to work with.

Although most games are pretty obvious, it would be nice to have a label that shows anyway - this would have the added benefit of making it easier for screen readers/visually impaired people to identify 18+ content, and for end users to have a target to hit to quickly hide/show adult games from search results without having to constantly go to the options and toggle the setting from there.

Nah, I only went down 2 or 3 floors.  I found this just before I went to bed and gave it a quick spin.  I like that you can go back up floors after you go down, though.

Like any good player of games, I elected to ignore all the word-stuff below the game and decided to just dive in and figure it out.  Wasn't expecting the enemies to be able to pick stuff up and use it - that was super cool.

Also realized that you can zoom in/out of the map with the scroll wheel.  That's neat, too.

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This is a really cool thing you've got going! I was a bit confused until I saw your YouTube video that kinda showed how early-on this game is.  Until then, I had gotten into the laundromat, fixed the breaker, fiddled with the washer, and explored the offices.  It'll be a really cool experience when it gets more fleshed out.

Oh also - the pull string on the light doesn't give any feedback that it can be interacted with at first.

Neat concept!  I guess I got to the end with the black screen.

Your Robertson screwdriver looks more like a Philips screwdriver ;)  This game is pretty awesome, though.  I like what you've got going on - it's a neat take on traditional ASCII-style games.

Just starting this now - stoked as it looks absolutely phenomenal, but disappointed knowing it's a demo that's been on hiatus for a few years now.  This is one of those rare games that takes the concept of a text adventure game to a whole new level.

Interesting game, but if you pick the "all at once" option, the game is broken.  There is no proper ending.

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Looks like the new demo dropped, I think!  Whoa, actually the whole page just got updated!

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I got it to get this far somehow... last time I couldn't get any of the dudes to be any colour.

wait wait, I figured it out.  Total skill issue lmao I'm so dumb 🤣

Yeah, could be a user issue lol.  I'm not sure how to use it properly, but I can move the cursor around

Dude, this whole series is a masterpiece.  I have never played anything as wild and amazing as this whole series.  The techniques in this game, making me as the player "challenge" it?  I love the whole thing.  It deserves so much more praise and recognition.

This is awesome!  I hope at some point you release more levels (or a level editor) for it!

I can get it to load on my Everdrive, but I can't figure out how to do anything once I'm in lol

IDK if you've ever met but you may want to collaborate with him.  He's been working on creating 3D model, interactive remakes of these LCD games.

I'll have to check them both out

This is a cool idea, but I hate how the browser is aware of its position on the desktop.  I have no idea how we've allowed browsers to leak as much system information as we have...

What's the difference between the demo and the prototype?

Would it be possible to have a left/right view on the Tomytronic 3D games so you can play them in stereoscopic view for the original effect?

This was awesome!  Cleared the game + the secret area.  More levels would be fantastic.  Surprised the game isn't on SRC yet for speedruns.

Minor nag - would it be possible to get a fullscreen option for the web version?

Seems that way lol.  I only played for a few seconds and had to skim the comments to see if it was just me.

This is a cool concept, and really well polished considering the time constraint... but the lack of feedback on whether your guess was accurate or not kinda ruins the whole thing.  Hopefully you're able to finish the game, or at least add in some rating system so it tells you how close your guess was to the actual culprit.