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Abyss Team

A member registered Feb 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Heya there, Leon! 
Unfortunately, there's no official guide on how to get all the endings - maybe that's something we need to fix.

However, you can check this thread ( to find how to get some endings.

Also, I'm copy/pasting a complete walkthrough for how to get one of the endings you're missing. Definitely scroll down through the comments, as some users have asked how to get specific endings themselves.

If you're still not be able to get them all, let us know.


The ending you're missing is "Breaking Free".
To get this one you need to be sweet and kind to Elijah until you get the scene where Isaac's high school friends invite him out and Elijah doesn't want him to go. After that, you need to pick choices that are unpleasant towards Elijah: don't let him manipulate Isaac and rebel against him any chance you get.

If this tip still feels obtuse, feel free to follow the choices below: 

* "Ask him to put a bag on his knees" 

* "It's on me" 

* "Caress his hair" 

* " be his" 

* "You <3"

 * "You don't own me anything."

 * "Come on, you deserve a break"

 * "That's kind of sad!"

 * " show him my love"

 * "I have to match you." 

* "It's not whatever" 

* "Calm down, Don Juan!" 

* "I know I can trust you."

 * "Are you asking me to cancel?" 

* "That's not what I said."

 * "That's not the point." 

* "That's not love" 

* "Or you could quit yours"

 * "No way!" 

* "Elijah and I are quite busy" 

* "Watch out for the quite ones"

 * "Hussain?" 

* "You could have told me if you didn't enjoy it."

 * "A bit awkward, right?"

 * "It's awkward" 

* "You'll eat it raw next time." 

* "I'm upset" 

* "I'm not falling for that one." 

* "Elijah asked me to" 

* "No" 

* "I shouldn't, should I?"

 * "You raped me" 

* "You know what you did" 

* "Yeah."

 * "Like cyanide" 

* "Why won't he mind his own business?" 

* "It was traumatic" 

* "It's not about you"

 * "You asked me to stop working."

 * "What's his problem" 

* "No" 

* "Because that's what I deserve."

We must say that these comments were worth reading!
Your reaction (and words) were such a praise, we're blushing ourselves! Thank you so much for playing! :D

Your analogy made us laugh really hard! It's a shame we couldn't experience your reactions in first-person, but we're proud to have left an impression on you.

Thank you very much for your comment. :D

Hello Eva, thanks for reaching out!

Unfortunately, development has been on a hiatus due to life circumstances. The outline for the whole game is drafted; and some new segments have been written but aren't coded yet.

We can't provide you with a timeline, or tell you when the game development will resume. But the project is not dead, and will resume at some point.

Thank you for your effusive words! They made our day!

As for our side, all we can suggest is that you keep your seat belt on, and to hold on tight. It's a bumpy road!

We're very happy that the game had an impact on you.
And thank you for your kind words.

Hi Silverfoxiee. Thank you very much for playing Eternal Winter! :D

Just replayed the game to make sure we hadn't miss something or uploaded the wrong version - both Aster and Leonis's route are complete and can be fully played in this version.

Do note that there's still a segment of the story missing during day 3, that might be what you ran into. If that's the case, worry not, we're working on closing that gap. Hopefully, it won't take too long.

An interesting thought.

A sly smile is all we can provide...for now.

We've uploaded a new version of the game were the bug is fixed!
Again, thank you so much for reporting this! :D

That definitely should not be happening!

Thanks for reporting this, we'll squash that bug as soon as we can!

(2 edits)

Hello silverwater!

Thank you for playing. Hopefully the remainder of the story won't disappoint.

As for your request:


If you pick the following choices, you should be able to access the top branch:

* "Put the bag on the floor";

* "We’ll find an...arrangement.";

* "Woke him up.";

* "...him to be mine.";

* "Now that you mentioned the roller coaster...";

* "I know but I still want to treat you.";

* "I’ll scream if you don’t cooperate!";

* "I agree.";

* " keep him at my side.";

* "I have to beat you.";

* "It’s not whatever!";

* "I don’t know what to say...";

* "I wanted you to know.";

After picking the last choice, when the scene ends, you should be on the top branch. Do note that the choices above have Isaac be somewhat rude, controlling, and intolerant towards Elijah.
This is important for understanding the events on this branch.

Thank you very much for your compliments! :D

Thank you very much for your comment!
You've made our day a bright and sweeter one! :D

Thank you very much for playing and streaming LVER!

We loved watching you play through the game and were a bit sad we couldn't see your reactions to the other route. :(
Nevertheless, we hope you enjoyed the roller-coaster ride!

If you have any feedback or suggestion on how we could improve the game, please let us know!

Hello benevolent-beaver!
Thank you for your comment and for playing through the game!

Yes, there are many segments of Hellevator that have already been written but unfortunately haven't been coded yet.

We'll continue development as soon as our latest project (Eternal Winter) is finalised. It will take some time, though.

Hellevator is a game we're really proud of, and would love to see to completion.

(4 edits)

Thank you so much for playing through LVER!

As for your question:


LVER has 9 endings - with the 9th only being attainable after having seen all the 8 other endings. You can make use of the "Route" screen, accessible through the title screen, to get an idea of how you can get them!

Thank you very much for playing through the demo, and for your wonderful compliments! :D

As for Leo's VA, we are aware of the situation - the problem will be addressed in the next update!

Due to the nature of Eternal Winter's development, the way assets are added to the game is a bit erratic. However, we hope that, by the end of the development, everything will be much more solid and structured!

Hope you stick with us until then!

(2 edits)

Hello fishoni. Thank you for playing and for the UI compliment!

As for getting all the endings, we recommend you take a look at this reddit thread (expect some spoilers):
Do also check the other users' comments, as some of them have asked for help on getting specific endings.

If you still can't get one (or more) ending(s) , let us know. We'll give you a push in the right direction.

Thank you very much for your review and comment.

You made our day! :D

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing another one of our creations, Emberbright (and congrats on getting the title's meaning)!

The eighth ending is indeed the 'true ending', which also ties back to Goodbye Emilia. Mind if we ask you how many endings you got so far? We're debating on whether to release a walkthrough or not.

Oh! Thank you for playing Goodbye Emilia, and we hope that you enjoy Vale just as much!

For the flowcharting, we used, which you can find here.

Thank you very much for your compliment! :D

And best of luck to your mission, you've set quite a challenge for yourself!

Thanks for reporting this bug, Bánh.

We've uploaded a new demo, the issue you pointed out should be fixed!

(1 edit)

Hello lenfrey!

Glad to know you persisted and continued playing!

As for your questions:

------------Spoilers ------------

Correct. To get this "secret" ending you need to get all the endings. The route map should clue you where the change will take place (but we guess you already figured that out).

As for what this event entails...well... you'll get to see a funny and quirky exchange between Isaac and Elijah, and then a promise of the brighter future - or just a sweet lie.

Thank you very much for your comment!

We hope that you give the other endings a try and let us know how much that shaped your experience!

(1 edit)


Thank you very much for playing LVER!

------------Spoilers ------------

If we understood correctly, you're missing the "In The Spider's Web" (rose to the right of "Praying Mantis") and "Lovely Couple" endings.

For help on getting these two, check this reddit post:

User "Waewoowee" explains exactly how to get these two very same endings.

If you still having trouble, let us now!


We used RenPy ( to develop LVER!

Hello Amy, thanks for playing!

---- Spoiler warning ----

There are 8 endings, plus a "special" one. To find out which endings you got and which ones you're missing, check the route screen - which you can access via the Title Screen.

Thank you very much for your interest Ceri!
We teamed up with an incredible team for this Jam, and we hope that everyone's fantastic work comes through as you play the game! :D

As for the suggestion, we certainly can and will!

Thanks for playing through the early demo, we'll keep on working to expand it - and hope that the final result doesn't disappoint!

Thank you very much! :D
Hope that at some point in time (perhaps when a meatier update comes out?), you'll give the game a chance.

(2 edits)


---- Spoiler warning ----

The ending you're missing is "Breaking Free". To get this one you need to be sweet and kind to Elijah until you get the scene where Isaac's high school friends invite him out and Elijah doesn't want him to go.
After that, you need to pick choices that are unpleasant towards Elijah: don't let him manipulate Isaac and rebel against him any chance you get.

If this tip still feels obtuse, feel free to follow the choices below:
* "Ask him to put a bag on his knees"
* "It's on me"
* "Caress his hair"
* " be his"
* "You <3"
* "You don't own me anything."
* "Come on, you deserve a break"
* "That's kind of sad!"
* " show him my love"
* "I have to match you."
* "It's not whatever"
* "Calm down, Don Juan!"
* "I know I can trust you."
* "Are you asking me to cancel?"
* "That's not what I said."
* "That's not the point."
* "That's not love"
* "Or you could quit yours"
* "No way!"
* "Elijah and I are quite busy"
* "Watch out for the quite ones"
* "Hussain?"
* "You could have told me if you didn't enjoy it."
* "A bit awkward, right?"
* "It's awkward"
* "You'll eat it raw next time."
* "I'm upset"
* "I'm not falling for that one."
* "Elijah asked me to"
* "No"
* "I shouldn't, should I?"
* "You raped me"
* "You know what you did"
* "Yeah."
* "Like cyanide"
* "Why won't he mind his own business?"
* "It was traumatic"
* "It's not about you"
* "You asked me to stop working."
* "What's his problem"
* "No"
* "Because that's what I deserve."

Thank you very much for your comment, Ninjaneko, it made our day! :D

Thank you very much for playing! We're glad you enjoyed it a lot! :D

You're not wrong about Brahmi, maybe not a therapist but definitely someone who makes Isaac think about his current situation.

Stay tuned for the full game!

PS: Looking forward to November 16th! :P

(4 edits)

No, there are no other planned routes, demo or otherwise, as of this time.

Also, congratulations on finding both routes! We started calling one of them a secret route as nobody seemed to run into it!

Thank you very much for playing! :D
We're working hard on the next update, hopefully it won't take too long!

Lunaterra / Natasha, thank you very much for reporting the pesky bug! :D

We're happy to report that the problem is solved and a new build is available!

Thanks for playing! Good to hear that you enjoyed the game!

(4 edits)

Feralnymph, thank you for your feedback! We are very glad that you enjoyed reading Jack and Mary and a bit sad about Anita - we really had fun writing her. :(

We'd like to challenge you to replay the game again and pick different choices, you might run into something neat (or not...)!

Also, small clarification, Anita is tanned (too much time spent on the solarium/tanning bed).