High-effort post, thanks for posting this! I'm sure the community will appreciate it :3
Abyssal Novelist
Creator of
Recent community posts
> Finally I maxed everything out.....Buuuttt the soulstones are taking forever.....Am I doing something wrong? How do I speed it up?
The previous patch introduced a little something to help speed that up! Try to get every charm, and then try to "speedrun" the game. You'll know what I mean ;3
> Us? How many people are working on this? 12 wow?
Teller and Me have been the most invested in this project. Besides that we had help from many wonderful creatives. Big shoutout to Burkezerk, Skylar, and Navy_Raccoon. They provided most of the wonderful audio and graphical assets! As well as to the localization team for providing translators ^^
The numbers provided in the Itch description may seem either impressive or intimidating, but are inflated due to the game's nature (everyone was allowed to join in and contribute something. And most people that did so did contribute exactly one thing one time, like the bug fixes!).
> are you guys able to use A.I. to your advantage with improving the math & music?
We are proudly no longer using Generative AI in any way, shape, or form! Previously GEN AI graphical assets were used, but the version update 1.4 replaced them completely with human made ones. Feel free to download a previous version and compare: Navy_Raccon's work is infinitely better ahaha
As for math: the game's math is actually impressively simple, especially when compared to something gargantuan like Cookie Clicker. This is mostly due to how we don't really have scaling outputs, as we rather utilize incremental outputs. Something like Cookie Clicker needs to scale building costs, has several %-based modifiers, etc. We don't even have buildings.
Hope this quenched your curiosity!
Hi! The current UI design isn't the best at illustrating how exactly production chains work. The two issues I've personally ran most often into were:
1) Assigning new roles while forgetting that 'adding' a role causes the 'removal' of an equal number of peasants
1.1) ^This can quickly lead to running out of food. If you have no food, well... No bueno.
2) Assigning more roles sounds more good, but if you can't afford the necessary production chain material (fur most often was an issue for me), then all the extra people just slow the process down or halt it completely.
Try and see if either of these could've been the issue!
Also, thanks for the kind words! This has been a massive passion project for us for almost a whole year now!
Could I please ask you to provide more details? How did you play the game (Browser? Download?), on what software (which browser? Which operating system?), did you do anything else? Was there anything specific in your run?
I've tried replicating that bug twice now. I've defeated and absolved the cat in our development environment as well as on Chrome, and neither of those times was my save file impacted.
I also invite you to the Discord (https://discord.gg/jHmzbJJr) if you want to chat about this there!