Just played the demo, and I really like all the characters. I'm looking forward to the Kickstarter!
Recent community posts
1. Who's your favorite character so far and why? Has it changed from the first demo?
I’m still a fan of Daisuke. I like the relationship between him and Tachibana. I almost missed out on seeing the start of Kou’s route because I automatically chose Dai at the end of the extended demo.
2. What aspects of the game do you like?
I like the art and the music a lot. I also like how different all of the love interests are. I’m looking forward to learning more about them.
3. How do you feel about the Sprite Art vs. the CG art? Does it mesh well?
Yes, I think both versions mesh well.
4. What'd you think of Kou's route? What do you think will happen? What would you like to see happen?
The CG art in Kou’s route was great. It showed his personality and how alluring he is to Tachibana.
I liked seeing Daisuke wary of Kou. I think Dai will be jealous of Kou’s position close to Tachibana and a conflict is bound to erupt between them.
5. What would you like to see for the other characters too?
I think all of the love interests have their own hidden motives for applying for the job. I don’t trust Oyama at all, he seems to be feigning innocence. I’d like to see if his personality changes at all during his route. I’m also curious about what his role will be during Kou and Dai’s routes.
I wonder if the response to the animal question hints at the future at all. Daisuke’s “snake” response makes me nervous because of its negative connotations. A betrayal from him would hurt because I feel that Tachibana trusts him.
6. What other improvements can we make to enhance your experience?
I always like voice acting, but I know that’s not a planned feature. Nothing else comes to mind. The game seems to be developing nicely, great work!
1) Who's your favorite character so far and why?
I really like Daisuke. I like his appearance, personality, and how he is already friends with Tachibana. I’m also curious as to the real reason he applied for the secretary position. (“Let’s just say I’m doing it for the money.” Even Tachibana doesn’t buy that.) I’m invested in his route already, so good job writing this character!
2) How's the pacing and writing?
The writing was good, I didn’t notice any glaring spelling errors.
3) What aspects of the game do you like?
I like being given dialogue options. When I first played it, I skipped a few interview questions with Kou. Then, later on, Daisuke said “It isn’t right to skip questions.” I thought he had been eavesdropping during the interview with Kou, but it turns out that he was just anticipating how Tachibana might interview him. I enjoyed thinking that my previous interview choices affected future dialogue. I just enjoy choices with consequences (even minor ones) in games.
I also like the backgrounds. I wasn’t sure about them at first, but they grew on me quickly. The coloring can be used to reflect the mood and lighting (day/night) of a scene.
4) How is the UI? What did you like about it? What did you not like about it?
I found myself looking for a way to go to previous lines of text. I like the image of Tachibana that reflects his mood whenever he speaks.
5) How is the hook for the story? Did it made you play until the end? If it didn’t, what made you stop?
The story was interesting enough that I played until the end. My interest really peaked when Tachibana realized that Daisuke was applying for the secretary position. Seeing him try to hide his annoyance was fun to watch.
6) How is the music for the demo so far? Does it match the vibe of the game? Is it distracting?
I liked the music. I didn’t find it distracting at all. The music during the game was very calming, different from the more upbeat main menu. I’m curious about when (if ever) that upbeat music would be in the game. Feels like it would suit a party atmosphere.
7) What other improvements can we make to enhance your experience?
I think Kou’s sprite art could be improved. I’m comparing it to what I believe will be the CG art (the header image on the itch.io page). Going into the game, I expected Kou to resemble the art on the header image. Instead, the sprite art makes him appear frailer and his jawline isn’t as well-defined. His eyebrows are also a different shape. These minor differences changed his appearance so much that he felt like a different character.
Overall, I really loved the demo. I’ll look forward to your updates. Great work!