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GEM Group Modeling & Edits

A member registered Jul 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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what were you looking to have added?

if it gets stuck at 85% like that, then the "mod name" section in the terrafarm XML file itself is different than the mod name in your mod folder. They have to match in order to work.

can you tell me what your error log says?

it is released in the pack as of now!

It should work on any map.

are you sure it is the terrafarm mod causing the issues?

terrafarm is now available in my terrafarm mod!

The 850L is not my mod, that's Ethan Brown's work, and he released it a while ago.

not at the moment, but if you know anything about terrafarm, you can re-use my D7R's terrafarm file and just rename it.

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it is a known bug, and i plan to fix it in one of the upcoming updates.

should be!

I'll add you in right now, sorry about that lol

Should be working now as of the newest update.

its been fixed already, I just havent uploaded it yet

know issue, will be fixed in next update

alright, thanks for letting me know

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Thank you for letting me know, i will try to fix that today

Should be updated!

Working on uploading it right now.

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They only attach to the new versions of my machines, you need to re-download the packs to make it work

should be fixed now

I just updated the pack, and it should have addressed and fixed most of those issues, so hopefully that helps.

just updated the main link with the newest version ive made, which now has hard attach included

Glad to hear you enjoy it! I'll take the price into consideration, and try to lower it down for the next update.

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It's been updated on my personal end, I just need to update the link on this page. My hope is to do it when I do my next mod release, which should be sometime this week.

Not currently, as it is in an unfinished state and needs more work still

I already fixed the textures myself, i just need to re-upload it

Try using super strength to get the blade onto the machine, i would change it but it was designed that way when WMF released it, and it would take a extreme amount of work to change it.

Any skid steer bucket will work, there are plenty available online that look pretty good on it.

All of the ones on my Itch page. Different machine sizes use different packs, so there isnt one pack that fits all of them.

My best suggestion is to use FS Miner's tutorial video on how to do it.

Not yet, but its on my list of mods to add terrafarm to.

I would if I could, but that's way too low detail of a model to put into FS.

Glad to hear that you enjoy them!

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yeah, that was due to the buckets not having HardAttach enabled in the XML, however due to a large number of people requesting it to be added, the next update will be swapping all buckets in all of my packs to use it. That should hopefully fix the bucket delay.

I am currently looking into that issue, and hopefully will have a fix out soon.