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A member registered Dec 07, 2020

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Um, I do not know if you are still reading these, but on the gamcore version of the game, whenever you try to build gear with alastor, the game crashes. Is there any way to fix this?

I. Am. Hyped.
The first game was, as I already stated several times in the comments of it, hands down the best game I have experienced on this site. I am really excited what this has in store ^^

First of all, lovely game. Great artwork, and something that is different to so many other visual novels, good writing. Now, it said, that in the free version, there are four paths fully available: May I ask, which ones?
Thank you ^^

For this game, i would have one last thing to add/correct: In the "More" section, the scene flowcharts are quite blurry and therefore hard to read, i think it would be good to change them with more clear pictures. But no hurry, just do what you like first.

I'm gonna write a final review for this now. (Lets face it, I'll just continue on with saying how great this game is)

The story itself is well-written, and as i already mentioned, I love how you can really feel the emotion inside it. The characters are different and have a great individual backstory and motivation. The lewd scenes are well written, are very hot, but still have a story to tell, which isn't something you see very often these days.

The artwork is great, the normal figures as well as the lewd scenes. The layout of the menu and the game itself is great, very easy to understand, and not too bright.

I personally love the extra lore you added with the maps and the character carts

Now to things you could maybe add if you have the will and the time to do it:

- The possibility to play the whole rest of the game after selecting a scene in the scene picker ( I don't know if it wouldn't be too much work)

- Maybe look after the spelling again, especially with the punctuation (if you have some sort of script with the text i could maybe look into it and help you a bit with it if you want)

All in All it's one of the best games i've played in 2020, and definitely the best visual novel i've ever seen, keep up with the great work ^^

Talking about having an impact on people: I honestly couldn't think about anything else the last few days, just about how the characters show their emotions and how you can react to them, it's just a perfect game. Thank you again for this game and the great time i have with it. I actually tink it changed the way i think about some things in life, for example that hiding your emotions isn't the best all the time.

Hmm one question: How can i reach the good ending?

Gotta support that statement of Evilmoon. Everything about this novel is great, especially the emotions that are in the story. Even for someone like me, who doesnt really like to be emotional, it was really touching, especially the scenes where you can stick to your friends and help them. I too, if i can get some spare money, will be sure to send some your way, as a thank you for this great time ^^

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Great game, actually even I (not a fan of visual novels) see this as one of the best games i've seen on this website: Great story, choices and artwork. Keep it up ^^

P.S.: I think you're after something with the chicken waffle combination

Yes, I have the same problem sometimes, but after i reload the browser it works again.  

(1 edit)

Really good game, great artwork and combat system, not too much nsfw stuff, just the right balance. Only thing i could criticize is the that you keep your clothes in your inventory, searched for half an hour in the motel romm for my clothes, but that was probably just my own stupidity xD.

Also: PET!

Loved the game, great story, great gameplay (most i loved the doggo part ^^). Only thing i could criticize is the hitbox of the clouds at the end, that was a bit annoying, but overall a really great game, good job.