Phenomenal vibes in this game.
Recommend everyone play it.
Some small feedback:
The timing on destroying the glass is really right, you need to let go right after the blue shine and the sound go off, otherwise you'll just bonk off the wall. This almost got me to quit because i couldn't figure out how to break the first wall.
The mousewheel attack is by far the strongest way to keep enemies at bay, once you figure out the patterns of any enemy they kind of become trivial by just middle clicking, since you have so much range with that compared to the other attacks (?).
In the 3rc area, the purple one, I got stuck, and haven't been able to advance. There is a 2 block gap, after the second room, during the climb up. I straight up cannot make that jump. Idk if im just bad, or missing something, but i tried for a good bit and couldn't get that jump. Whats up with that.
I'll definitely come back to this game, its really neat, great work.
Also it works on proton nicely, so that's something to keep in mind for anyone curious. Just add the exe to steam, select proton 9, done, works.
A member registered 7 days ago