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A member registered Jun 09, 2020

Recent community posts

Uhm, no? He's mine.

Is that Jenna's brother but on cocaine instead of meth?

Oh, I also want to the lion

Damn, looking at the page, you must either be George Squares' biggest fan, or ya know, the man himself. You doing ok?

I want to the shark and the opossum

Does Vekad have antler shaped cutouts around the door to his tower so he fits inside more easily?

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

Finally I can resub to the Echo Project, thank you! :)

I want to the bat

Day 1

Steps to reproduce: Start a new game, when a new profile is added (that husky for example) it throws out an error when trying to view said profile.

Will we get a cookbook with all the recipes Lake finds poggers?

I am sorry but Arne will be the only choice

This is like The Incredibles but without the Ayn Randian spin on it. Well done!

I am rooting for you, Rook! :)

Conway? A game of life, perchance? Curious.

I've wondered why Noir and John look more like cats than wolves, is it due to them being pitch black?

Could you provide a Linux version?

Any reason why the back button does not work?

made me cry, very good vn

I love rain and the sound of windshield wipers going full speed :)

I really like the lizard but the racist cat is teasing him

Cetus knows.

(1 edit)

Leave grandpa possum alone, he's like, what? 120 years old nowadays?

I will not rest until the day we get the character chibis as stickers as merch!

It was inevitable.

Someone really likes house cats in their VNs.

But they are not in the VN itself :(

I enjoyed the novel, yet the lack of deer-men leaves me with a bitter after-taste.